Dr. Shannon Burton has an extensive background as a New York City math teacher and public school administrator, and currently serves local universities as a visiting professor. Among Dr. Shannon Burton’s areas of focus is working with undergraduate and graduate students in business, education, and mathematics.
Dr. Burton’s recognition in his field includes the New York State Citation Award For Teaching Mathematics to At-Risk Students. He also received the Teacher of the Year award at Roosevelt High School in 2004 and 2006, and was featured in the 2009 New York Times article “How Assistant Principal Helped Students go to College.”
Dr. Burton completed an MBA and doctorate in educational administration at Capella University. His areas of PhD research included examining the secondary school dropout epidemic and effective avenues for educational administrators to reduce this. In his free time, Dr. Shannon Burton enjoys activities such as playing basketball in local leagues, as well as cooking for family and friends.
Yonkers, NY, US
Exam season will be here soon then we know, and the stress of studying can overwhelming for some students. Whether you are prepping to take the SAT’s or a certification test, it is never too early to come up with a study plan. Sticking to your desired study plan will help you cover all the information, as well as help, keep your stress levels down. Below are some tips to help you prepare for your next big exam.
Public schools play a significant role in shaping young minds and preparing them for life after school. Families are currently exploring other options for their children’s education through homeschooling, private schools, and cyber schools. None of those educational options compare to the advantages of public school education.
In an age of technology and tv streaming services, it’s becoming harder and harder to keep a students attention throughout the day at school. It only takes a few disengaged students to push the rest of them that direction. This happens when they are uninterested in what is being taught or have no desire to participate in activities.
Classrooms provide structure and authority for students, but getting students out of the classroom to experience another form of learning is one of the best things we can do for our students. While field trips can cause some headaches for teachers in charge, well-planned and thought out field trips can provide students with an educational experience they can not achieve will in a classroom.
In the United States, many students are at a disadvantage to receive a great education. Poverty can handicap learners before they even attend their first day of school. It also causes students to fall behind in class and can lead to individuals dropping out of school altogether. The following are just two of the reasons poverty affects education.
The English language can be tricky especially if it is not a students first language. Students should be using a word ten times before it sticks in their everyday vocabulary. While teaching vocabulary should be done with more than just memorizing words on flashcards, it is important to remember that every student learns at a different pace and it may take some students a little extra time to nail down additional vocabulary words. The following three tips are just some of the ways you can help your students increase their vocabulary while in the classroom.
Throughout the last decade, schools have been cutting art programs out of their curriculums. While students develop active play skills through art classes, they also develop other fundamentally important skills from music and theater classes. The following are just five ways art help students develop essential traits for their futures.
Occupations in the STEM field are growing at a rate of 17% across the United States. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics play a major role in the sustained growth and stability of our economy and are one of the most critical components to help lead us into the future. Involving our students in STEM education at an early age helps create critical thinkers, increase their science literacy, and enables them to become innovators.
As educational professionals, we’ve heard every excuse when it comes to reading, but the one that is constantly repeated is “I do not understand what I just read.” While this statement is usually uttered more by students in grades 7-12, it is important to help students build reading comprehension skills early on to help them achieve academic success later on in their educational career.
The month of March is the kick off of standardized testing across the country, and while it can leave parents overwhelmed, it is also stressful for educators. Whether it is elementary students preparing for state standardized tests or high school students preparing to take the SATs, testing is stressful for everyone. While there is no secret formula for achieving great scores on these tests, there are a few practical things that teachers and parents can do to help their students prepare for standardized testing.
Creating a lesson plan at any grade level can be a daunting task for some teachers. Writing lesson plans allows you to address the requirements of the curriculum and allows you to plan out how you will address your students needs. Some school districts use specific templates when creating lesson plans, but you can also create your own or use lesson plan templates found through a simple Google search. Whatever your lesson plan layout preference is, make sure you are creating something that is engaging for both you and your students!
Project based learning (PBL) allows students to achieve academic successes and helps prepare them to face the challenges of the everyday world. Project based learning allows students to work on a project over an extended period and brings learning to life. Teachers will often pick projects that have students solving a current real-world problem or answering a complex question. Students can develop their critical thinking, creativity, and communication skills during their participation in project based learning initiatives.
Bullying has become a widespread problem across many school districts in the U.S. Whether it is physically altercations, rumors or gossiping, bullying can have a lasting effect in an educational setting. Preventing school bullying has become one of the most important things educators have to be aware of in their classroom. Creating a safe and positive environment for the students in your classroom will help combat bullying. The following tips will help ensure that your students are in a positive, friendly environment where bullying is not tolerated.
When it comes to teaching, the success of your students should be the first thing on your to-do list. What that success entails will likely be different from student to student, but there are countless ways to help all of your students achieve that success regardless of the student or your own personal teaching style. Here are a few things teachers can do to help their students succeed.
Over the past twenty years, artificial intelligence has become a standard part of our lives. Technology surrounds us, from our phones to our cars and even our refrigerators. Back in the day a lot of classrooms were considered tech-free zones, but today we see AI being used for educational purposes nonstop. Here are a few ways artificial intelligence is changing the way we approach education.
The last thing our students think about over the summer is their education. However, ensuring that a student remains scholastically engaged over the summer not only has the potential to build their interests and intelligence but can help them maintain a competitive edge once the new school year begins. The following activities are recommended by educational professionals and will help prepare your student for the next school year.
Any education professional who has sat in on a curriculum writing team meeting knows that this part of teaching isn’t for the faint of heart. Writing a curriculum has a lot of moving parts, and everyone has their own opinions on what should and should not be included. But how do you write a curriculum that works for both students and the subject being taught? The following tips will help make sure you are writing the best curriculum for your students to succeed in their futures.
Handling the conflicts and tensions of students in the classroom can be challenging for even the most seasoned teachers. While you can establish and maintain a positive classroom attitude for all of the students that come through the door each school year. And while conflicts are sure to arise, the following tips will help you deal with outbursts and confrontations.
Great schools are driven by teachers and principals who are very passionate about making a difference in their students lives every single day. Students learn better in environments with positive, knowledgeable and passionate individuals. Federal programs and state testing policies have made it harder for teachers to make it through their days without any interruptions. Education professionals who can take the difficulties they encounter every day at work and still focus on their students are outstanding leaders and individuals you need on your teaching staff. Outstanding educational leaders display the following traits.
Some of the best habits of teachers are formed while they are student teaching. Great student teachers can make their time in the classroom beneficial for themselves as well as the teacher they are partnered with. While teachers prepare to have a college student enter their classroom to being their student teaching journey, it is vital to help those pre professionals develop the following habits.
The edTPA or educative teacher performance assessment is a performance-based, teacher preparation program given across 40 states to emphasize the skills and knowledge teachers need from day one in the classroom. This subject-specific assessment builds on the work of teaching performance and research and helps improve student teaching programs. The edTPA require teacher candidates the opportunity to demonstrate that they have what it takes to be in the classroom and ensure that their students are learning. The following tips will help any individual getting ready to take the exam and be successful.
The term extracurricular activities is a term that most people see on job applications and college admissions forms, but are extracurricular activities that important? An extracurricular activity is any activity that can be completed outside of school work, and that makes these activities important! Today’s students are involved in multiple extracurricular activities that include playing on sports teams, writing for the school newspaper, playing an instrument in a band or local orchestra, or taking an art class at a local college.
It’s no secret that everything we do can be done on a smartphone or tablet, and these devices are starting to take over the classroom. With hundreds of thousands of apps on the market designed specifically for educators and learning, educators are finding that apps are a game changer in the classroom. The following are just some of the top apps to use in the classroom for teacher organization, grading, collaboration, and even signing pesky field trip forms!
Students are coming home with more, complex homework every day. With all the subjects and assignments they’ve got due, it can be hard to keep track of everything. But with more technology being integrated into education comes a whole host of apps that they can use to help with homework, help keep them organized and help parents!
As educational professionals, we often need a little bit of reassurance that we are doing everything we can to help our students. TED talks help with professional development and help us reinvigorate our love of teaching. TED is a nonprofit that shares ideas through short, engaging talks on any topic imaginable. Each talk is given by an individual who is looked at as an expert or very knowledgable individual in their field. The following are some great TED talks that can help any education professional.
Access to online education has become a staple for many colleges and universities. It has triggered a new way for individuals to advance their education while still working in a classroom every day during the school year. E-learning has become a great resource for both educators and classroom teachers and is great for individuals who can not make it into a traditional brick and mortar classroom.
With graduation behind them, many recent college graduates are thinking about what comes next. For some, that means entering the workforce, but for others, that means continuing their education and applying for Masters programs. Most colleges and universities require that all incoming Masters students take the graduate record examination (GRE) and receive the appropriate score for the program of choice. The following are a few tips that can help you prepare to take the GRE and receive a great score!
New and experienced teachers can feel like they do not know where to begin when considering the start of the next school year. With a curriculum to prepare, materials to organize, bulletin boards to decorate, and a myriad other details to take care of, the task can seem daunting. However, by systematically tackling the tasks related to the preparation of the classroom for the school’s first day, it is possible to face that first day fully prepared without winding up exhausted.
The start of a new school year is right around the corner, and that means early mornings, busy schedules, and lots of homework. Staying on top of all those tasks while getting the kids to school on time can be a challenge for any parent, but there are several ways to make getting your kids ready for school an easier task.
With the increased focus on remodeling the education system, there has been a particular focus to popularize charter schools. Receiving government funding but operating differently from the state school system, charter schools have become a significant choice for many parents, owing to their numerous benefits. Well-managed charter schools are a benefit to society, parents, teachers, and students.
As a teacher, there are certain things that you need to do in order to have a great environment for learning. Creating a positive classroom culture is a key step in helping your students learn as much as they can through their time in your class. Once you have learned the tips for having a positive classroom culture, it will be easy to implement them.
Society has started to place a higher demand on self-awareness, and the skills students develop while in school. One of the easiest ways to help students is to introduce them to different learning environments. Taking what students would traditionally learn in a classroom and incorporating that experience outside the classroom can change their understanding of real-life applications of what they’ve learned in the classroom. The following are just some of the places teachers can take their students to continue learning.
If done right, school assemblies can be an influential learning tool for children. Students can become bored with the day-to-day humdrum of classes, recess, and home. Assemblies help break the monotony of the school routine. In many ways, they can help instill a sense of camaraderie, school spirit, or even help develop an interest in potential extracurricular activities.
How does a teacher reach the individual student in significant ways while also maintaining a classroom environment with a large group under their responsibility? It helps to recognize the different learning styles that students employ. There are four learning styles that teachers can use. These bring meaningful educational connections between teachers and students, and between students and their learning material.
Far too often, learning disorders are swept under the rug. Some children may be classified ill-behaved or just not wanting to learn. Sadly, this is usually not the case. Learning disorders affect children differently. Some may struggle with attention deficit disorders while others have dyslexia. The need for evaluation and diagnosis is vital to proper treatment.
For over twenty years, there’s been an impression across American culture that music can help people study and improve general intelligence. This all dates back to some research done by Dr. Gordon Shaw. His research seemed to show that classical music helped improve college students’ IQ scores by almost ten points. This remarkable finding became known as “The Mozart Effect.” It was widely reported in the popular press.
There is convincing proof of the effectiveness and retention of hands-on learning in real-life circumstances. Hands-on learning is retained by generations of those who have farmed and used and repaired their equipment, or those who were taught mechanical skills by helping adults with mechanical repairs or replacements. Many people have also learned to bake or cook from participating in the preparation of meals with older members of their families.
Playing a musical instrument can elicit a great deal of joy and excitement. However, such an activity could also prove critical to the development of a young person in many ways including:
Advances in technology have made a lasting impact on the way society functions, and that is especially true in educational settings. While the integration of technology has made teaching and learning more effective on an individualized basis, an overabundance of screen time has been shown to have detrimental effects on a child’s habits, academic performance, and health. In order to promote better educational practices and overall health in children, limiting screen time in education may be a worthwhile pursuit.
Knowing a second language at any age can provide individuals with advantages. Learning another language when one is quite young has proven to be the most beneficial since studies have revealed that the acquisition of another language in early childhood is the opportune time. It is much harder for anyone past puberty to imitate certain phonetic sounds of other words, as well as to retain what was learned.
With the COVID-19 pandemic spreading, schools have shut down to keep the teachers and students safe. But since children aren’t at school, they have no way to learn. Or so you might think. Just because children aren’t able to go to school doesn’t mean they’re unable to learn. It is possible to teach them at home.
Some people may struggle with learning more than others. Your child might need some extra help to succeed in school and to develop the proper skills for later in life. If you’re considering tutoring for your child, you should look over these benefits to see how it will help your child later on.
Summer is the most enjoyable season of the year for many of us, especially for children. However, when a child exits the campus doors on the final day of school, getting them to focus on their studies willingly can feel like pulling teeth. Instead of allowing their skills to get rusty, try using these educational activities this summer.
The education of the youth has been debatable for many years. Most parents send their kids off to school before the age of 5 to begin their learning journey. Some other parents decide to leave their kids home for homeschooling. With the ever-changing presence of technology, educating children can work both in a large classroom setting or the privacy of the home, monitored by an instructor virtually. Where is the future of education headed?
Working as an educator is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have, but it also demands a lot of energy. Burnout is a very real problem among teachers, even those who genuinely love their jobs. The last few months of the school year are the hardest since that’s when it feels like everything comes to a head, but it’s also why the summer break is so welcome. It’s your chance to take a break from teaching and recharge your batteries. How you go about that will be up to you, but here are some tips that might help.
When most people think of the role of a principal in a school, they think about their run-ins with a principal as either a student or a parent. While principals can certainly stay busy just dealing with unruly behavior, that is only one of many roles a principal fills in a school and the educational system in general. Here are three other common but much less visible roles a principal also plays in education.
As parents, we owe a debt of gratitude to our children’s school teachers. Think about it. While we are all hard at work in our regular offices, or now because of COVID-19, our home offices, our children’s school teachers are hard at work in their virtual or in-person classrooms, keeping watch over them and helping them grow through learning. It’s a big responsibility. And while teaching may seem like a thankless and low-paying job, the school teachers always seem to find a way to make it work because of their commitment to our children.
Everyone reacts differently to virtual learning. Some people can take it and find great success in it, while for others, there is a large learning curve, and it takes time to find success. What works well in a traditional classroom setting may not work as well in a virtual classroom setting. Regardless, they both have the same goal; to engage students and develop subject matter knowledge.
Despite being a year full of constant disruptions, 2020 gave rise to several important digital solutions developments, especially in education. Indeed, the current covid-19 pandemic has certainly changed the way individuals teach and learn. At the present moment, online schooling, hybrid learning, and the rise of apps’ usage are becoming the most prevalent trends and are certainly replacing the traditional pen and paper teaching method.
Over the years, numerous studies have concluded that their parents most heavily influence students’ success in school. The parent plays a tremendous role by promoting and encouraging education and learning. They can also help the students set goals for themselves and become more involved in their school and extracurricular activities. When parents are not as actively involved, the child suffers on multiple levels. The following ways can be used to help increase parent participation in students’ education.
A career in early childhood education poses several unique challenges. Aside from curriculum requirements, there are also complex interpersonal needs that must be addressed. Creating a healthy and inclusive classroom environment is essential for the benefit and wellbeing of all students.
This year has been tough on all of us, but kids have been significantly impacted. Many schools have closed or switched to online instruction, catapulting students and caregivers into the world of remote learning. Keeping kids engaged with remote learning involves some creativity and a lot of patience.
Reading comprehension skills are an essential part of a growing reader’s repertoire. Early readers should start with picture books, and as they get older, it will help them understand chapter books, newspapers, textbooks, and other more challenging texts. The following tips will help your young reader master reading comprehension!
Pets play a unique role in our lives. Many of us have come to think of our pets as more than just companions. They enrich our personal lives to such a great extent that we often consider them to be honored members of our families. They show us unconditional love and acceptance in a world that is often judgemental. Due to these very traits, having classroom pets can make such a tremendous positive impact on schools.
COVID-19 has forced educators to reimagine the delivery of lessons in a new age of digital instruction. To conform to social distancing guidelines, school districts across the country have switched to either fully digital or part-digital models. Students receive instruction via the web from home or other locations. This has resulted in widespread interest in digital education tools. Here are a few of the most popular for engaging, effective digital teaching.
A lot of teachers want to gain more skills and plan and execute the instruction of their lessons better. These certifications can help a person at any stage in their career, as you are never too old to stop learning. Give your career a boost and build your skills with these advanced certifications on many interesting topics.
If you want to prepare your child for success in kindergarten testing, it’s important to invest time with your child to help them improve in various areas of development and learning. Preparing your child for kindergarten testing will help them have a higher level of success when the time comes. As a parent, you are their most valuable resource when it comes to helping your child succeed. The following tips will help you prepare your child for kindergarten testing.
Serving as a school board member is a huge responsibility. But, it’s also a great way to serve your community. Government laws delegate power to the boards to make school budgets and set the curriculum. They help manage school facilities and employ the superintendent. In some areas, they even have some say in collective bargaining agreements. This position sounds compelling to some. So, here are some tips to be a great school board member.
Working as an educator is one of the most rewarding jobs you can have, but it also demands a lot of energy. Burnout is a very real problem among teachers, even those who genuinely love their jobs. The last few months of the school year are the hardest since that’s when it feels like everything comes to a head, but it’s also why the summer break is so welcome. It’s your chance to take a break from teaching and recharge your batteries. How you go about that will be up to you, but here are some tips that might help.
When most people think of the role of a principal in a school, they think about their run-ins with a principal as either a student or a parent. While principals can certainly stay busy just dealing with unruly behavior, that is only one of many roles a principal fills in a school and the educational system in general. Here are three other common but much less visible roles a principal also plays in education.
As parents, we owe a debt of gratitude to our children’s school teachers. Think about it. While we are all hard at work in our regular offices, or now because of COVID-19, our home offices, our children’s school teachers are hard at work in their virtual or in-person classrooms, keeping watch over them and helping them grow through learning. It’s a big responsibility. And while teaching may seem like a thankless and low-paying job, the school teachers always seem to find a way to make it work because of their commitment to our children.
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Students are coming home with more, complex homework every day. With all the subjects and assignments they’ve got due, it can be hard to keep track of everything. But with more technology being integrated into education comes a whole host of apps that they can use to help with homework, help keep them organized and help parents!
Bullying has become a widespread problem across many school districts in the U.S. Whether it is physically altercations, rumors or gossiping, bullying can have a lasting effect in an educational setting. Preventing school bullying has become one of the most important things educators have to be aware of in their classroom. Creating a safe and positive environment for the students in your classroom will help combat bullying. The following tips will help ensure that your students are in a positive, friendly environment where bullying is not tolerated.
When it comes to teaching, the success of your students should be the first thing on your to-do list. What that success entails will likely be different from student to student, but there are countless ways to help all of your students achieve that success regardless of the student or your own personal teaching style.
The term extracurricular activities is a term that most people see on job applications and college admissions forms, but are extracurricular activities that important? An extracurricular activity is any activity that can be completed outside of school work, and that makes these activities important! Today’s students are involved in multiple extracurricular activities that include playing on sports teams, writing for the school newspaper, playing an instrument in a band or local orchestra, or taking an art class at a local college. These activities allow students to be involved but also to gain skills that will help them in the future.
Handling the conflicts and tensions of students in the classroom can be challenging for even the most seasoned teachers. While you can establish and maintain a positive classroom attitude for all of the students that come through the door each school year. And while conflicts are sure to arise, the following tips will help you deal with outbursts and confrontations.
As a teacher, there are certain things that you need to do in order to have a great environment for learning. Creating a positive classroom culture is a key step in helping your students learn as much as they can through their time in your class. Once you have learned the tips for having a positive classroom culture, it will be easy to implement them.
Far too often, learning disorders are swept under the rug. Some children may be classified ill-behaved or just not wanting to learn. Sadly, this is usually not the case. Learning disorders affect children differently. Some may struggle with attention deficit disorders while others have dyslexia. The need for evaluation and diagnosis is vital to proper treatment.
There is convincing proof of the effectiveness and retention of hands-on learning in real-life circumstances. Hands-on learning is retained by generations of those who have farmed and used and repaired their equipment, or those who were taught mechanical skills by helping adults with mechanical repairs or replacements. Many people have also learned to bake or cook from participating in the preparation of meals with older members of their families.
Advances in technology have made a lasting impact on the way society functions, and that is especially true in educational settings. While the integration of technology has made teaching and learning more effective on an individualized basis, an overabundance of screen time has been shown to have detrimental effects on a child’s habits, academic performance, and health. In order to promote better educational practices and overall health in children, limiting screen time in education may be a worthwhile pursuit.
Advances in technology have made a lasting impact on the way society functions, and that is especially true in educational settings. While the integration of technology has made teaching and learning more effective on an individualized basis, an overabundance of screen time has been shown to have detrimental effects on a child’s habits, academic performance, and health. In order to promote better educational practices and overall health in children, limiting screen time in education may be a worthwhile pursuit.
Knowing a second language at any age can provide individuals with advantages. Learning another language when one is quite young has proven to be the most beneficial since studies have revealed that the acquisition of another language in early childhood is the opportune time. It is much harder for anyone past puberty to imitate certain phonetic sounds of other words, as well as to retain what was learned.
Summer is the most enjoyable season of the year for many of us, especially for children. However, when a child exits the campus doors on the final day of school, getting them to focus on their studies willingly can feel like pulling teeth. Instead of allowing their skills to get rusty, try using these educational activities this summer.
COVID-19 has forced educators to reimagine the delivery of lessons in a new age of digital instruction. To conform to social distancing guidelines, school districts across the country have switched to either fully digital or part-digital models. Students receive instruction via the web from home or other locations.
Reading comprehension skills are an essential part of a growing reader’s repertoire. Early readers should start with picture books, and as they get older, it will help them understand chapter books, newspapers, textbooks, and other more challenging texts.