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Career Development
Feb 18th 2021

What Is Personal Development? 3 Simple Steps to Self Improvement

Personal development sounds like a major reveal in every self-help book, the “chicken soup” for lost souls. Personal development is in fact a long and lonely quest. The “unquantifiable” nature of it can be frustrating, for it’s hard to measure, and many tend to give up. But my friends, personal growth is never a walk in the park, it takes great endeavor and the repetition of seemingly mundane tasks to accumulate over time.
Career Planning
Jan 5th 2021

How to quit your job smoothly?|6 Tips for a Successful Resignation

Quitting your job smoothly is an art. You don’t need a smoking gun reason for resigning your job, it could be a combination of worries weighing on your minds for too long: the disconnection with personal or professional life; the stagnated and uninspiring working atmosphere; not being appreciated or underutilized. Compounded together, these reasons serve as a huge eureka moment.

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