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Apr 16th 2021

How to use LinkedIn? 5 tips to boost your career with LinkedIn

What is LinkedIn? It takes more than resumes and hard work to launch an ideal job and develop your career nowadays. Make sure you take advantage of LinkedIn as a tool to impress recruiters, attract business opportunities, learn industry trends and boost your career. Here are some pro tips for your LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn headline and LinkedIn summary!
Resume & CV
Nov 5th 2024

10+ Software Engineer Resume Examples | 2025 Format

Looking for a way to make your software engineer resume stand out from the crowd? Look no further than this detailed guide with 5 stellar examples!
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020


延續上集,本週科技職涯邀請到即將離開 Mozilla 台北辦公室的使用者研究員 Ricky、產品經理 Morpheus 和 Mark。今年八月,Mozilla 裁撤了多達 250 名員工,其中也包含關閉台北辦公室。在離開之前,Ricky、Morpheus 和 Mark 對 Mozilla 還有什麼話想說呢?
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

Mozilla 新興市場產品經驗談:台北辦公室五年回顧

Mozilla Taipei 畢業快樂!在疫情肆虐之下,Mozilla 被迫大裁員,甚至決定關閉台北辦公室。本集科技職涯 podcast 有幸邀請到 Mozilla Taipei 的 Ricky、Morpheus 和 Mark,來聽他們回顧台北辦公室這五年的風風雨雨,以及針對產品使用者研究的經驗談吧!
Career Planning
Aug 24th 2020

畢業後該就業還是進修?4 個標準幫你找到解答

Resume & CV
May 3rd 2021

Computer Science: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

How to stand out from piles of computer science resumes? Remember: employers want to know how you can help the company. Make sure you highlight results such as “reduced crash rate by 70%”. Here are some CS resume samples for computer science internships and jobs.
Success Stories
Oct 29th 2020

工程師,你想成為 Tech Lead 嗎?Grindr VP 解析技術主管必備技能

本週的科技職涯邀請到全球最大同志交友平台 Grindr VP of Engineering Alex!技術主管的職責和分工為何?想升為 Tech Lead 的工程師又該往哪個方向努力呢?來聽聽 Alex 的不藏私教學!
Resume & CV
Jan 8th 2025

10+ Mechanical Engineer Resume Examples & Templates

How to write a mechanical engineering resume? Whether you're a fresher or an experienced mechanical engineer, show off your skills by describing your impact with metrics. Here are some resume examples and templates for mechanical engineers.
Resume & CV
Oct 7th 2024

Effective Civil Engineer Resume: Tips, Examples and Templates

How to write a civil engineer’s resume? Civil engineers can build big things, but only after you manage to build something small but significant - a resume. Beside technical skills such as AutoCAD, civil engineers are expected to be careful and detail-oriented. Here are some resume examples and templates for civil engineers.
Resume & CV
Aug 4th 2020

High School Students: Resume Examples, Formats & Tips

How to write a student resume with no work experience? Employers or colleges do not expect you to have a long list of past jobs. They simply want to know who you are and what you’ve done, and that’s what resumes are for. Here are some useful resume examples, templates, samples and format tips for high school students.

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