Explore a range of job search tools and resources to achieve your dream career goals. Join the fastest-growing talent platform in the APAC region and expand your professional network.
Explore the essentials of an effective DEI policy with real-world examples and case studies. Gain practical tips for implementing and enhancing DEI strategies in your organization.
Explore our guide to the working culture in Singapore and discover key practices and professional norms that shape success in Singapore's thriving workplace.
Explore exciting part-time job opportunities in Malaysia and turn your passion into earnings. Discover fulfilling roles and get paid for doing what you love with our guide to part-time jobs.
Understanding employee turnover is crucial for HR to implement effective retention strategies, manage costs, and ensure organizational productivity, and this article explores ways to prevent it.
Unsure about valid reasons to terminate an employee? Explore our list of the top 10 legal grounds for employee termination, and gain insights into maintaining a compliant and ethical workplace.
HR should watch out for unfair termination practices to safeguard against legal consequences and uphold fair and ethical employment practices. Read to discover illegal reasons for firing someone.
Resignation announcement to staff is crucial for upholding transparency within the firm and ensuring the effective management of the transition. Learn how to craft such announcements in this article.