Hello everyone, recently I've been writing a series of articles about the use of JWT stored in HTTP-only cookies in both front-end (React) and back-end (Django). Finally, we've reached the last installment, discussing API protection, the interceptor, and logout. I would like to share it with everyone.
大家好,小弟我最近在寫一系列文章關於 JWT 儲存在 HTTP-only cookie 在前後端 (React & Django) 的使用,終於來到最後一篇,在講 API protection, Interceptor 和 logout,分享給大家 #JWT #React #Django
Hello everyone, recently I've been researching how to use JWT stored in HTTP-only cookies in the frontend and backend (React & Django). I have gained some insights and plan to write three articles about it. I have completed the first part, which mainly focuses on the backend. I would like to share it with everyone
大家好,小弟我最近在研究 JWT 儲存在 HTTP-only cookie 該如何在前後端 (React & Django) 實作及應用,有一點心得,預計會寫三篇文章介紹,目前完成第一篇主要在講後端的部分,先分享給大家 #JWT #Django