
Ihor Hryshkov

Software Architect, Team-Lead, Tech-Lead, CTO, Software Development, Software Design, Database Design, Business Logic Design, Software Engineering.

My work coincides with my hobby, and I really love my hobby, so when I develop software I give myself completely to work.


Languages, platforms

Java(Spring, Spring-Boot, Hibernate, Swagger, AsyncAPI, JavaFX, JPA, AndroidSDK etc);  






NodeJS(express, passport, axios, sequelize, ajv, rabbit-node, ioredis, etcd3, ws, swagger, asyncapi),

ReactJS(redux, saga, axios, ajv, ws)),
ArduinoC, MicroPython






NetBeans IDE;


IntelliJ IDEA;

Visual Code.










Docker Swarm; 

Docker Machine; 








MS SQL 2000; 










Meetings with CEO, CTO and Leads; Create next diagrams: 
1. Use case; 
2. Activity; 
3. Entity Relationship; 
4. State Machine; 
5. Sequence; 
6. Architecture; 
7. Deployment. 
Control integration with leads.


Build teams; 
Checking new staff in interview; Integration new staff; 
Create detailed tickets for developers; 
Review code; 
Control integration architecture and technologies; 
Helping staff in studying;
Discussion about new technologies with team;
Manage deadlines;
Managed teams 5-10 peoples. 




Ukrainian: C2 read/write/spoken level(native) 
Russian: C2 read/write/spoken level(native)  
English: А2.2 spoken level(elementary) and B2.2 read/write level(upper-intermediate)

Work Experience

Rainbinary, Co-Founder/Architect/Full-stack software engineer,  Feb 2024 ~ Present

Build of a project to automated business risk management.

Person Drones, Owner/Founder/Architect/3D CAD Engineer/IoT Engineer/Software Engineer,  Nov 2023 ~ Present

Building of an autonomus portable flying drone(Portable UAV), with the ability to use any available explosives that the soldier has on the battlefield, quick launch to suppress the offensive actions of the enemy soldiers, or outpost position of the enemy soldiers, or the unarmored vechicles etc. and without skills of UAV control.

Person Support, Owner/Founder/Architect/UI-UX Designer/Full-Stack Software Engineer, Jan 2021 ~ Present

Build of a SaaS platform created to help businesses to provide low-cost, fast, high-quality, highly automated and remote service to their customers, with a lot of internal services for business management and the creation of your own customer support company.

Leeloo.ai, CTO, Nov 2022 ~ May -2023

Working on the big platform to sales and marketing, analyzing technical side, upgrading technical side, researching the new technical solutions, creating technical plan for integrating of new features of the product, building the new team. Management and studying of IT and development teams. Meetings with sales, business owner, customer support, accountant, CFO and CEO to analyze their problems and searching solutions in the product.

Territorial Defense, Soldier, Mar 2022 ~ Mar 2023

Save of the territory of Ukraine from russian nazi invaders, support with the protection of strategic objects, automation and acceleration of decision-making processes by command centers. Developed a product to protect civilians and territories from any manifestations of enemy aggression. This product will be high quality and effective in areas related to criminal, terrorist and military aggression. The product supports the processing of a large incoming data. It has a system for managing the roles of users and clients. Allows you to create separate groups of military units and handle each with a separate command center.

CEX.IO, Architect, Team-lead, JS back-end developer, Dec 2018 ~ Mar 2019

Developer back-end crypto(blockchain)-processing system, data and project architect. Use technologies Node.JS(Sequelize, Express, REST, Rabbit etc), PostgresDB. Create data models, deployment diagrams, REST API and other docs. Develop base codebase and micro-services pattern for other team developers. Create crypto payment system based on micro-services architecture etc.

CEX.IO, Team-Lead, JS back-end developer, Mar 2018 ~ Dec 2018

Developer back-end crypto(blockchain)-processing system. Use technologies Node.JS(Sequelize, RPC etc), PostgresDB, Mongo, integration to system new providers for crypto-coins, add new state system for callback services, integration new staff to project, team-building, integration new technologies to old system, make little bit reporting system, education old and new staff.

CEX.IO, JS back-end developer, Feb 2018 ~ Apr 2018

Developer back-end crypto(blockchain)-processing system. Use technologies Node.JS(Sequelize, RPC etc), PostgresDB, Mongo, add new clearing system and fix little bit problem in current version back-end processing.

EasyPay Indonesia, Architect, Tech-Lead, Back-end developer, Sep 2017 ~ Dec 2017

Architect system "WebPOS"(EasyPay), Tech-Lead system "WebPOS"(EasyPay), back-end developer "WebPOS" (EasyPay) payment system. Use technologies Node.JS(Sequelize, Express and other), PostgresDB, REST API(JSON), RabbitMQ. Create micro-services for connect to main back-end project EasyPay.

EasyPay Indonesia, Architect, Tech-Lead, DevOps, Full-Stack developer, Jun 2017 ~ Sep 2017

Architect system "E-Wallet"(EasyPay), Tech-Lead system "E-Wallet"(EasyPay), full-stack developer "E-Wallet" (EasyPay) payment system. Use technologies Node.JS(Sequelize, Express and other), PostgresDB, REST API(JSON), Kafka, Swift(and some frameworks), Android SDK(and some frameworks). Create micro-service for connect to main back-end project EasyPay.

EasyPay Indonesia, Architect, Team-Lead, NodeJS developer, Nov 2016 ~ Jun 2017

Developer back-end payment system. Use technologies NodeJS(Sequelize, Express and other), PostgresDB, REST API(JSON), Kafka, micro-services architecture based on Docker.

iTTeam Ltd, Architect, Team-lead, Java developer, DB designer, Aug 2016 ~ Sep 2016

Portal journalistic investigations "E-Data Club". Develop information portal project. Use technologies: J2EE(Spring-Boot), Hibernate, MongoDB, Postgres, REST API(JSON), Jersey, Solr, RabbitMQ, OAuth2 and Tomcat with Jenkins.

iTTeam Ltd, Architect, Team-lead, Java developer, DB designer, May 2016 ~ Sep 2016

Develop E-Commerce and Market Place business project and Social Network project. Use technologies: J2EE(Spring-Boot, JMS), Hibernate, MongoDB, Postgres, REST(JSON), Jersey, Solr, RabbitMQ, OAuth2 and Tomcat with Jenkins.

BBGame, Team-lead, Architect, Full-stack developer, Dec 2011 ~ Jun 2016

Create card game systems using technologies Objective-C, Java, J2EE, JSON, JPA, Android SDK, JavaFX, iOS SDK, CQRS, Tomcat, MySQL. Create task for Windows Phone Developer(C#), Web Developer(PHP,JavaScript) and Designer. Project on paused.

Arbulus, Team-lead, Java back-end developer, DB designer, Jan 2016 ~ Mar 2016

Create back-end, back-office and design database in project "Live Night 365" and using for this technologies J2EE, JSON, Hibernate, Spring and Tomcat. Team-lead for iOS, Android and J2EE developer in old project "Skill On Sports". Support project "platform" using Scala.

Arbulus, Team-lead, Full-stack developer, DB designer, Feb 2015 ~ Jan 2016

Add new future and fix legacy code bugs in Web Services using technologies J2EE, JSON, Hibernate, Spring and using Tomcat, Add new future and fix legacy code bugs iOS client and develop new Android client. Team-lead for iOS, Android and java back-end developers. Deploy on production project "Skill On Sports" and supporting.

prozora-kraina.org, Team-lead, Java back-end developer, DB designer , Oct 2014 ~ Feb 2015

Create Web Services using technologies J2EE, JSON, JPA, and using TomEE, MySQL for web site, create task for Web Developer and create task for Designer in Redmine.

Shelf, Java back-end developer, DB designer, Jan 2014 ~ Sep 2014

Create Web Services using technologies J2EE, JSON, JPA, and using TomEE and DB MySQL for system automatically petrol filling stations, the system handles requests from controllers, stored in the database and allows client-side monitor and control various processes petrol filling station.

Tagway, Team-lead, Android, iOS developer, Jun 2013 ~ Dec 2013

The project to purchase tickets for all type of transport with Android, iOS and Windows Phone platforms. The project participated as Team Leader: Graphics Design and develop Windows Phone, Developer: Android and iOS.

Remote job, Java mobile, Java back-end and Android developer, Jan 2011 ~ Apr 2011

Develop a program to photograph and modify images, add messages,
and send a follow-on social network Twitter, Facebook and E-mail(Servlet),
for the J2ME platform used LWUIT Framework,
a version for Android applied Android API 1.6-2.1.

BlueStream, Java mobile developer, Jan 2011 ~ Feb 2011

Development of mobile booklet "Poster", using LWUIT Framework, on the platform J2ME.

Remote job, Java back-end developer, Dec 2010 ~ Jan 2011

Working out of the interface of interaction between the Manager and the monitoring system of calls in IP a telephony, at use Java web technologies.

DGCell, Java mobile developer, Oct 2010 ~ Dec 2010

Working out mobile software for a help to engineers of mobile communication stations.

Remote job, Java mobile developer, Oct 2010 ~ Nov 2010

Working out mobile software for sending and reception SMS with using specification JSR-120.

Remote job, Java mobile and plugin developer, Aug 2010 ~ Oct 2010

Working out of the mobile client (J2ME), and a plug-in for server OpenFire (J2SE) for mobile taxi system.

Remote job, Java back-end developer, May 2010 ~ Aug 2010

Updating a kernel of a network server in game Line Age 2 Gracia.

Remote job, Java mobile developer, Mar 2010 ~ May 2010

Java mobile game "Labyrinth".

Remote job, Java desktop developer, Feb 2010 ~ Mar 2010

Client manager of a database.

MSU, Java back-end developer, Dec 2009 ~ Feb 2010

Client-server application that controlling and administration IP traffic.

SmallSystems, Java mobile developer, Sep 2009 ~ Nov 2009

Working out of the mobile client for social network.

Afishka, Java mobile developer, Aug 2009 ~ Sep 2009

Working out of the mobile booklet.

Night club, Java developer, software architect, Mar 2009 ~ Aug 2009

Architect and development of pattern recognition system with further image output on a projector.

Limuzin taxi, Java developer, software architect, db designer, Nov 2008 ~ Mar 2009

Architecture and development of client/server application, J2SE server(back-end and back-office for taxi operators), J2ME client (front-end for taxi drivers).

Conturov.NET, Java developer, Mar 2008 ~ May 2008

Client part development that showing weather and other information in tray using java swing, and parsing XML from API.

Remote job, Java developer, May 2007 ~ Jun 2007

Architecture and development of client/server application for using in mobile technologies.

Smile Soft, Java developer, Jan 2005 ~ May 2007

Developing programs for Call Center, development of statistics system, development interface and mail sending/receiving protocol, development of huge arrays sorting system, codec G.729 codec, SIP protocol development, RTP for sending/receiving data in the network, etc (J2SE)

Remote job, C++ developer, Jun 2002 ~ Oct 2002

Games, Client side of system serving clients in big food companies.


Donetsk State Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Bachelor Robotics, 2000 ~ 2005

Activities and Societies: Chairman of student council and Head of Operational Detachment. 

DJ at student radio station and dance floor, student Comedy Club resident.