Cake Job Search

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Logo of 原流科技有限公司.
第二期招募正式開始!!歡迎有興趣的人踴躍報名參加!! 1.需求:兩人一組,使用指定APP錄音工具、根據指定話題完成合計2.5小時(150分鐘)的對話錄音,每個對話至少20-30分鐘。屆時會提供對話大
1.2K TWD / piece rate
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Job Intro
190 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
資料庫! 身為 Cake 的 初階招募顧問 ,你將協助 Cake 的企業客戶媒合適合的人才,並提供人才市場洞察與招募建議,幫助企業達到招募和商業拓展目標。 這份工作需要大量的與人選和企業溝通,傾聽他們
30K ~ 45K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 崴拓資訊有限公司 Wit Software Ltd..
你具備卓越的溝通及協調能力,並熱愛與團隊合作,我們誠摯邀請你加入我們! 【工作內容】 1. 人才招募:運用104、Cake Resume、LinkedIn等平台,根據組織需求,執行完整的招募流程,確保招募成效。 2. 新人培訓與融
Talent Acquisition
700K ~ 1.4M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Job Intro
Talent Acquisition
480K ~ 840K TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 凌我人才發展策略顧問有限公司.
任人資主管之資深前輩及其他資深人才媒合師學習真正的招募技術。 此職位將接觸到長期研究招募甄選領域者才能掌握的心得與技巧,可隨著經驗積累逐步學習與歷練深度的人資招募專業
200 ~ 500 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Job Intro
Application Tracking Systems
700K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of AinekoX CO., LTD. 艾奈科技有限公司.
▍About this role 我們正在尋找充滿熱情與創新思維的招募夥伴,協助艾奈在全球招聘頂尖人才。您將負責招聘流程管理,與各部門緊密合作,推動團隊擴展和公司成長。 這角色不僅限於日常招聘,還將根據
Microsoft Office
Google Drive
50K ~ 80K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰健康管理顧問股份有限公司.
即日起 - 114/1/13 立刻投遞履歷: 哈囉,大家好!🌳 感謝您對「國泰健康管理 x 科技數位企劃人才招募」的關注! 我們致力整合數位與數據技術,實現「健康就在生活裡,解方就
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Why Cake?
50K ~ 80K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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