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Logo of Samba TV.
At Samba TV, we are on a mission to fundamentally change television viewing for everyone. We are doing this by leveraging our data to enable advertisers to engage and measure TV viewers across all their devices. We have an amazing story with a unique perspective formed by innovative technology. The Cloud Engineer (AWS) plays a central role in Samba TV’s ongoing advancement and transformation of its cloud environment and to serve as part of its Cloud
Cloud Services
1.8M ~ 2.1M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 雲訊科技有限公司.
◆ 參與系統基礎建設、部署和維護高可用性、可擴展性和安全的雲基礎設施。 ◆ 設計和實現容器編排工具,如 Kubernetes,以支持部署和管理容器化應用程序。 ◆ 設計和實施自動化工具和流程 (CI/CD),以提高
50K ~ 120K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 安然科技有限公司.
關於我們: 加入我們充滿活力和創新思維的團隊。我們是一家專注於利用先進技術和前瞻性思維來改變行業的公司。我們致力於創造一個合作和包容的工作環境,讓我們成為優秀專業人才的首
60K ~ 90K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
效率 使用技術 程式語言 :C++、Qt/QML 工具與平台 :Git flow、Qt Creator、Visual Studio、Xcode、Azure Pipeline 優勢經驗 (加分條件):Objective-C、AWS雲端服務 這是一次難得的機會,邀請您加入一家具有全球影響力的企業,與團隊一同推動視覺
Visual Studio
1M ~ 1.7M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Wavv.
程師可以兼職,遠程工作。因為Wavv的CTO在台北,所以台灣地區都可以,台北優先考慮。 5+ years experience in backend system / server side development 5+ years experience in Python Familiar with: * Distributed systems * Container architecture (docker, kubernette) * API design (restful, graph) * Data pipeline * Web framework (flask, django) * Cloud environment (AWS, Google CLoud) * Test framework (unittest, pytest) * Version control (Git)
570 ~ 640 TWD / hour
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of growthbotics.
Skills requirements:● Tech stack○ Angular○ JavaScript & Python○ AWS● Soft Skill (bonus)○ Finance knowledge○ OOPJob responsibilities:● Website & Web Portal UI UX Design ● Prototyping ● Usability Testing ● Develop web layouts and responsible for the look and feel of the web page ● Placement and layout of website pages following on client provided content ● Ability to visualize how a site will look like ● Responsible for the development of user interface that will impact the functionality of
70K ~ 75K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of Pixl Solutions 像素數科技術有限公司.
1. ETL處理:負責基於 Aws Athena、BigQuery 系統進行數據採集、清洗、轉換處理工作。 2. 系統維​​護:負責 Athena、Bigquery 的數據系統維護,包括數據維護、系統維護、文檔處理以及日常問題排查。 3. 查詢、可視化:負責基於 Athena QuickSight
700K ~ 1M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 仲琦科技股份有限公司.
Golang經驗3年以上,熟悉JSON/RESTful APIs,開發過high concurrency環境 資料庫經驗,SQL或NOSQL,例PostgreSQL、MongoDB,使⽤過Gorm 建立過⼤型擴展分散系統,K8s容器、MQTT、微服務等相關技術 使⽤過AWS相關服務,ElastiCache/EKS等 五年以上軟體開發經驗
47K ~ 80K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of Công ty Cổ phần Phần mềm nhúng Nata.
Phát triển các hệ thống Embedded, AIoT như: thiết bị quan trắc - điều khiển, hệ thống truyền thông, camera thông minh, thiết bị y tế … cho các dự án với khách hàng Nhật Lập trình cho các thiết bị edge devices (như Raspberry Pi, ESP32, Jetson Nano) và tính toán tại cloud (như AWS) Tham gia vào các quá trình từ thiết kế, phát triển, kiểm thử đến triển khai hệ thống phần cứng và phần mềm Tiếp cận, nghiên
12M ~ 15M VND / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 台灣網格技術股份有限公司.
- 熟悉nodejs, typescript, docker, nginx, mongodb, postgreSQL,, linux shell 相關操作 - 熟悉grafana, prometheus, influxdb - 熟悉awscli - 有gitlab ci/cd整合經驗 - 有slack bot / line bot等notification整合經驗 - 有system health check, auto scaling, load balance, high avalability等運維相關經驗
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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