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Logo of 新加坡商鈦坦科技.
你所追求的工作是什麼?是寫【程式】,還是打造會讓你感到驕傲的【產品】? 在鈦坦,我們稱呼工程師為「產品開發者」(PD, Product Developer),我們不僅單純的寫【程式】把功能完成,並且考慮到效能、安全、使用性、維護成本、以及
Agile Development
57K ~ 83K TWD / mois
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 裕順資訊有限公司.
Position Overview We are seeking QA Automation Test Engineers to join our team. You will be involved in designing, developing, and executing automated testes to ensure the quality and functionality of our software products. This position requires collaborating with developers, product managers, and other stakeholders to understand requirements and deliver high-quality automated testing solutions.
Agile Methodologies
QA Automation
100K ~ 150K TWD / mois
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Mammoth Cyber 美商安佩科技股份有限公司.
We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Senior Software Engineer with a strong background in C++ development and a passion for creating high-quality software. The ideal candidate will have more than 3 years of experience in software engineering and an understanding of Golang and JavaScript programming languages. Additionally, a solid understanding of networking protocols, including HTTP/HTTPS, and knowledge of modern web browsers is strongly appreciated. Responsibilities: Design, devel
1.4M ~ 2.5M TWD / année
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cathay United Bank.
Main tasks - Support company’s digital adoption initiatives, to ensure that our organization is getting the most out of our digital assets. - Work closely with stakeholders throughout the organization, including product, IT, and customer service, to develop and execute a holistic strategy based on value and impact with a strong focus on User Experience. - Define and execute digital adoption strategies to improve efficiency and effectiveness of systems and processes, productivity, data integrity,
Agile Methodology & Scrum
Digital Banking
Digital platform operations
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 知識發展股份有限公司.
Hi { 擅長找到問題、超強分析+邏輯力的測試人員/Engineer } 你好~ 我們是一個部分遠端的團隊,每個人各司其職都是高手,團隊氣氛非常融洽、開發流程成熟且順暢,我們在每一個 sprint 中彼此幫助、一起合作,持
Jira . Scrum . Agile
JIRA Confluence
Figma (Software)
60K ~ 85K TWD / mois
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MEXC.
What You'll be Doing: 負責公司研發項目的敏捷項目管理工作;負責開發團隊正確實施Scrum並擔當團隊敏捷教練角色; 負責項目的目標達成和過程管理,保證高質量交付。針對問題、風險和變化制定有效的落
1M ~ 2M TWD / année
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Omnichat.
Omnichat (原Easychat)創辦於 2017年,是來自香港的新創企業,專注於發展全通路對話式商務 (Omnichannel Chat Commerce)。涉及技術和產品包括串接官網對話及整合不同社群通訊軟體, 跨渠道用戶數據追蹤,全通路線上線下 OMO 導購銷
700K ~ 900K TWD / année
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of TVBS聯利媒體股份有限公司.
TVBS開發團隊對於軟體的品質有最高的要求。 我們致力於以穩定的開發速率,持續地交付有價值的軟體來滿足客戶需求,並以全局為考量穩定改善團隊及消除多餘的浪費。我們深信最佳的架構與
55K ~ 100K TWD / mois
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 精英人力資源股份有限公司.
1. 與專案提案單位及技術資料倉儲團隊研討專案內容及解決方案 2. 協助資料倉儲技術團隊與專案利害關係人溝通 / 協調專案範圍、專案開發品質標準、CR(需求變更)及專案爭議裁決機制
1.2M ~ 1.6M TWD / année
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 健康益友股份有限公司.
職務內容: 1. 開發乾淨、直觀且易用之平台網站、App 2. 優化系統架構,提升客戶端性能 3. 重視使用者體驗,持續提出方案改善應用程式 4. 開發可重複使用之元件與套件 5. 追蹤技術問題
40K ~ 90K TWD / mois
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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