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Logo of Amkor Technology_艾克爾國際科技股份有限公司.
1.AEDR客供文件建立/follow up/review時效with others 2.Agile PLM內部文件建立/兩年文審 3.WI(iWorkflows)內部文件建立/兩年文審 4.email與國外客戶溝通/客戶系統建立
32K+ TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 傳接球實驗股份有限公司.
《工作內容》 * 運動科學新創團隊招募夥伴,可獨立作業執行高品質 iOS app 開發及維護 * 與開發團隊一同達成 Agile Backlog * 參與開發團隊討論(design sprint),共同產出解決方案之概念以及構想
IOS Development
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of Hoodily.
Work hands-on on innovative and social-impacting products, from the ground up Learn product management from an 18-year Silicon Valley product veteran Be part of a garage-mode socialtech startup team Learn agile development, tools, tricks, and project management Learn to work with UX and engineering to define and build exciting, impactful consumer product features Learn UX, create wireframes and mock-ups Help develop the go-to-market strategies Help raise awareness and raise funds Possibly join t
170 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of AMPOS Solutions.
INTRODUCTION: Mentu is a professional experience sharing platform that is designed to inspire, coach and grow working professionals to reach their full potentials. We are a small but agile startup team who are passionate about our mission and constantly looking for ways to improve our platform. Interested candidates, please email CV to [email protected] OPEN POSITION This is a part-time full stack engineer position. No need to come into the office, and work
500 ~ 700 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of 吉聯數位科技娛樂股份有限公司.
動態地呈現出來,並且堅持程式的高度擴充性及穩定性。 【工作方式】 Frontend 與 Backend、UI、QA、PM 等角色在同一個 Agile Team 中,以短週期的、不斷迭代、進步、共同成長的方式合作開發。因為團隊不斷進步,每週都可能會有
60K ~ 90K TWD / month
Logo of 凱基人壽保險股份有限公司(總公司).
工作內容說明: 1.第三方網路投保通路營運 2.網路投保第三方合作專案管理 3.協助營運報表統計與AI自動化報表製作 其他條件: 1.3年以上系統專案管理經驗,熟悉PMP與Agile為佳 2.
40K+ TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of TomTom.
In Taipei we are looking for a (Agile) C++ developer to join our Qt Navigation team. We are the leading Agile software development company in Taiwan. Here are some of the user stories we work on As a driver, I want to avoid road block ahead of my route, so I can be in the office on time. As a developer, I want to have Arabic framework for right to left reading, so our product
Taipei city
70K ~ 150K TWD / month
Logo of Lifesup Technology Co., Ltd.
Phục vụ dự án mới làm bằng công nghệ Angular 2+ phía client. Tham gia các công đoạn tìm hiểu yêu cầu, phân tích, thiết kế, nghiên cứu công nghệ khi được phân công. Thảo luận và tư vấn về API backend. Tham gia quản lý nhóm nếu có khả năng phù hợp. Phối hợp cùng team để đảm bảo tiến độ dự án theo mô hình Agile – Scrum.
13M ~ 30M VND / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Eunodata.
We are looking for a Full Stack Developer to produce scalable software solutions. You’ll be the major developer in product development team that’s responsible for the full software development life cycle, from conception to deployment. As a Full Stack Developer, you should be comfortable around both front-end and back-end coding languages, development frameworks and third-party component libraries. If you’re also familiar with Agile methodologies, we’d like to meet you
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 銓鍇國際股份有限公司.
1. 擅長 Java/Python(擇一即可)、元件、模組化、API 等架構開發 2. 網站系統相關資料庫分析與規劃 3. 敏捷開發精神做為開發基礎(Agile/Kanban) 4. 優化、開發與整合現行網站系統 5. TDD模式開發 6. 設
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
No management responsibility

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