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Logo of 銓鍇國際股份有限公司.
1. 擅長 Java/Python(擇一即可)、元件、模組化、API 等架構開發 2. 網站系統相關資料庫分析與規劃 3. 敏捷開發精神做為開發基礎(Agile/Kanban) 4. 優化、開發與整合現行網站系統 5. TDD模式開發 6. 設
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
No management responsibility
Logo of 天能資訊有限公司.
1. Min 3+ years work experience in IT Project management 2. PMP Certified / Agile Certified 3. Available activities at immediately or with short notice. 4. Must to have managing experience in handling e-commerce applications, Modern applications in .NET and React.js 5. Interested in challenging projects 6. Understand project requirements and manage the scope and plan of the project to make sure it adheres to the timeline, budget
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Omnichat.
Omnichat (原Easychat)創辦於 2017年,是來自香港的新創企業,專注於發展全通路對話式商務 (Omnichannel Chat Commerce)。涉及技術和產品包括串接官網對話及整合不同社群通訊軟體, 跨渠道用戶數據追蹤,全通路線上線下 OMO 導購銷
CakeResume 2023 Career Fair
1.1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 炬識科技股份有限公司.
炬識科技(Athemaster)2024.05 宣布,推出全新資料品質產品「Athemaster DQSentry」,幫助企業掌控真實資料品質,將企業資料產製成具更高商業價值的企業專屬大型語言模型等資料產品,加速AI數位轉型進程。 關於 Athemaster: https://
Red Hat
800K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 快點行銷有限公司.
無論Art Base or Copy Base,只求和你/妳再次上台領獎! 1. 熟悉數位產業趨勢及生態,且具備整合及策略能力。 2. 具創意概念及獨立創意提案之能力,熟悉數位行銷解決方案。 3. 能帶領企劃及創意團
60K TWD / month
7 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
Logo of 快點行銷有限公司.
[職務範疇] 1. 準確接收客戶需求,判斷、發現、釐清問題。 2. 幫助客戶實現潛在及延展性需求(分析觀點與建議)。 3. 維持客戶良好關係,協調內外部各團隊,掌握項目的管理推進和執行。 4. 挖掘
45K ~ 60K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 快點行銷有限公司.
首先!你要知道,這職位是最佳溝通橋樑 就像牛郎織女沒有「喜鵲」,再深愛著彼此也無法相見 你必須兼具策略、溝通力、邏輯性,更需要強烈的學習慾望及進取心
33K ~ 38K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of GoTo Group.
About the Role As a Software Engineer in the team, you will play a key role in the growth of the team. You will be exposed to complexities that will challenge your problem solving skills and will learn how to build and operate high throughput systems with agility. You will be working as part of a highly proficient and efficient team, demonstrating a high ownership mindset that will definitely push your boundaries and propel you towards growth.
Logo of NEXTAR 耐克司達概念有限公司.
認同和展現我們的 N E X T A R 核心價值觀,包括:N - Novelty 創新、E - Empathy 共感、X - eXcellence 卓越、T - Teamwork 團隊合作、A - Agility 敏捷、R - Reliability 可靠。 【我們希望你是】 一位以細節與效率為核心,致力於促進公司運作穩定的行政專員
32K ~ 38K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Marsh McLennan.
What can you expect? Marsh FINPRO Team is looking for a Client Executive to join the team. What is in it for you? Curiosity to learn and explore new ideas. Agility and adaptability to thrive in a dynamic environment. Self-starter qualities, demonstrating the ability to work independently. We will count on you to: Performs tasks related to the quoting, binding and servicing of new and renewal accounts to assist with serving clients. Helps develop
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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