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Logo of GliaCloud 集雅科技.
協助前瞻深度學習、機器學習算法的開發及優化 數據採集、標註前、後處理及算法開發與測試
AI & Machine Learning
183 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Công ty cổ phần VinBigdata.
THÔNG TIN CHUNG: Chức danh: CTV Truyền thông thương hiệu tuyển dụng Nhóm: Tuyển dụng Số lượng: 01 Loại hợp đồng: HĐ dịch vụ Địa điểm làm việc: Tầng 9, tòa nhà Century, Times City, 458 Minh Khai, Hà Nội Thời gian làm việc: 40 giờ/ tuần (từ Thứ Hai tới Thứ Sáu) I. TRÁCH NHIỆM: Trực tiếp tham gia sáng tạo, lên ý tưởng biên tập và sản xuất nội dung: chuỗi video, tin bài chuẩn SEO
No requirement for relevant working experience
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of SkyREC.
面臨直接衝擊,數位轉型勢不可擋,迄今涵蓋多家國內外大型品牌商家。 前端工程師打造 SkyREC 的各項 Data 和 AiMS 產品,包括數據分析報表、用戶分群系統、用戶畫像、地圖應用結合、圖像搜索、...等系統功
200+ TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Quid 美商網基.
關於Quid(NetBase美商網基品牌) 總部位於矽谷,Quid是一家快速成長且充滿創業精神的公司。在全球社群媒體分析平台上,我們處於世界領先地位,達到30%以上的成長! 我們將網際網路上的資訊,如 Facebook 貼文、Instagram
270 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of ASML Taiwan 台灣艾司摩爾.
Introduction to the job Tool and data management on install base machines, including certain level of KPI data management and bring up data efficiency. Role and responsibilities Task and goal will be assigned by mentor, team work need and preferred experience of big data management Education and experience Big data management on IT system perferred Skills Big data management on IT system perferred Diversity and inclusion ASML is an Equal Opportunity Employer that values and respects the importan
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of WASAI Technology.
This internship shall last at least 4 months at full-time or 2-4 days per week part-time. Please make sure you will be able to complete this period before sending your application. * Studying and developing RTL code using Verilog to accelerate kernels for Big Data platforms * System debug & Validation of FPGA prototype systems * Performance analysis and tuning of workloads on heterogeneous platform
200 ~ 500 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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