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Logo of portto 門戶科技 | Blocto.
近期開發重點: Spotlight protocol 後端系統、區塊鏈整合 BentoBatch Optimizer 後端系統 Blocto 後端系統、私鑰管理系統開發 系統架構優化 公司福利: 每年特休 10 天起跳 彈性上下班 零食飲料 員工配股 與優秀的團隊一起工作 精神時
smart contracts
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MaiCoin.
工作內容 MAX 交易所與 MaiCoin 平台總共提供 18 種不同區塊鏈與 74 種數位貨幣的出入金服務,我們的團隊將主要負責提供 MAX 交易所與 MaiCoin 平台中的用戶錢包服務需求。目前,部分區塊鏈技術是串接外部
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
獵才說明💯:成立此間公司希望著重發展區塊鏈衍伸產品,會架私鏈及 Web3.0 個人名片、Wallet 應用。市場以日本為主,再拓展到其他地區。90% B2B 自有產品+ 10% 根據客戶客製化,部分產品已上線。 您好, 如果您
1.8M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Highstreet.
設計、開發和實施高效能的區塊鏈技術解決方案。 與團隊合作開發新的區塊鏈產品和服務。 確保區塊鏈應用的安全性、效能和可擴展性。 對現有系統進行維護和優化,並確保技術架構符合設計需求
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MaiCoin.
工作內容 開發錢包服務系統: Qubic 開發 NFT 開店工具 Qubic Creator 福利與環境 13" Macbook + 27" 大螢幕 隨時補充滿滿的零食與飲料 不定期辦公室聚餐與教育訓練 開放式管理風格與舒適工作環境 便利交通位置,捷
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Rooit Inc. (XO App).
#English description below 我們是一個在2019年成立,正處於擴張階段的新創團隊,目前全球用戶約一百五十萬人,2024的我們正努力向服務推向國際、服務更多的用戶,因此急需優秀的你來一起協助我們完成目標。 在
100K ~ 150K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
Company highlights 全遠端工作環境與有競爭力的薪資,正在尋找對區塊鏈真正有熱忱的你! 產品 去中心化交易所 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Responsibility 你的工作日常大概如下,但不限於此: 和產品團隊緊密合作,參與評審需求,確定測試方案,編寫
Remote Work
2.2M ~ 6.5M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
勵員工從發想階段起主動參與跨部門的創意構想 敏捷:具備靈活的應變能力且能匯集員工的技能以適應高速發展的數位經濟環境 Responsibilities: We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior Software Engineer to join our team working on fintech and blockchain products. The successfu
1M ~ 1.6M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of TRON DAO.
Job Responsibilities: 1. Design and implement distributed systems with high throughput and tens of millions of active users. 2. Public chain related R&D. 3. Architecture design.
1.5M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of TRON DAO.
Job Responsibilities: 1. Familiar with blockchain technology and Solidity smart contract language, with actual project development experience. 2. Participate in the design, development, testing and deployment of smart contracts. 3. Responsible for the optimisation and performance improvement of the smart contract system. 4. Research and track the latest technology and development trend of smart contracts. 5. Audit the smart contract code to ensure the contract is secure and free from potential
1.5M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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