Cake Job Search

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Jakarta, Indonesia
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
The role has the responsibility to work on the following description: Made and ever completed the business requirement, business process / data flow diagram dan solution design of SAP implementation (module) under PM & TL work request. Made and ever completed the blueprint of SAP implementation (respective module) under PM & TL work request. Made and ever completed the SAP setup, parameterized and configuration (respective module) under PM & TL work request. Make and propose project timeline, SA
6 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
About Our Client Our client is a global IT service company with a wide reach across multiple sectors, including automotive and manufacturing. It plays a crucial role in providing IT solutions that achieve proactive, competitive business strategies for industries worldwide. Our client believes in deploying IT to support and accelerate global strategies. Our client conducts operations around the world, and has locations not just in Japan, but also in Singapore, Thailand, China, India,Indonesia, th
6M+ IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
Lulusan D3 Keperawatan atau Profesi Ners (S1 Keperawatan). Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun sebagai perawat di rumah sakit atau fasilitas kesehatan lainnya. Memiliki Sertifikat BTCLS (Basic Trauma and Cardiac Life Support) yang masih berlaku. Memiliki STR aktif (Surat Tanda Registrasi) . Menguasai tindakan keperawatan sesuai standar operasional prosedur. Mampu bekerja dalam situasi darurat dan menangani pasien dengan berbagai kondisi. Komunikasi yang baik dan empati terhadap pasien. Kem
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of JP Consulting.
Staf Accounting/Pajak. Membantu supervisor menyusun laporan keuangan dan laporan perpajakan. Filling dokumen.
2.5M ~ 3M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT People Prime Indonesia Consulting.
Sales Staff Tujuan Jabatan: Mencapai target penjualan, mengembangkan dan memelihara hubungan dengan klien Tanggung Jawab: Membangun dan memelihara hubungan dengan klien Memahami kebutuhan dan tujuan klien Menawarkan solusi yang memenuhi kebutuhan klien Mencapai target penjualan minimal 100% Menjaga kepuasan klien Kualifikasi: Pendidikan minimal SMA/ SMK di bidang bisnis, pemasaran, atau relevan Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun di bidang sales atau marketing Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi
Sales Operations
Sales & Marketing
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT. Mentari Mulia Berjangka.
Latih staf tingkat awal yang baru. Memahami profil perusahaan, produk, dan posisi bisnis di pasar. Melakukan analisa terhadap kondisi global khususnya sektor perekonomian. Membangun hubungan dengan pelanggan dan mengidentifikasi perkembangan di pasar komoditas. Mengelola data pelanggan atau calon pelanggan Dapatkan klien baru untuk kebutuhan jika menjadi investor, analisis kebutuhan klien. Menjadwalkan waktu pertemuan antara klien dan manajer. Konsultasi, update berita, dan mencari solusi untuk
Marketing & PR
4M ~ 5.5M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Round Bytes.
Round Bytes is a integrated creative and technology agency specializing in crafting unique digital experiences. We specialize in web development, brand strategy, and technology consulting. Round Bytes mission is to design and develop digital products, websites, designs, and brand experiences that resonate deeply with audiences to deliver impactful results. We are looking for Business Development Specialist who is highly motivated, target and result driven . What You'll Do • Identify and acquire
Logo of PT. Mentari Mulia Berjangka.
GENERAL JOB DESCRIPTION : Train new entry-level staff. Understanding the company profile, product, and business position in the market. Performing analysis on global conditions, especially economic sector. Building relations with customers and identify development in the commodity market. Manage customer or prospective customer data Acquire new clients for needs if being investor, analyze clients need. Scheduling meeting time between clients and managers. Consulting, updating news, and finding s
Public Speaking . Communication
Public Relations
4M ~ 5.5M IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of Migo Indonesia.
Build dashboards, self-service tools, and reports to analyze and present data associated with business operations and Marketing performance to support key business stakeholders to make data-driven decisions in the organization. Consulting and problem-solving mindset: Ability to work with ambiguity and uncertainty, digest business problems, propose and implement analytical solutions to derive value and outcomes. Support and manage data requests from business stakeholders – can understand business
Data Analysis
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Migo Indonesia.
Manage team of data analysts to ensure data integrity, accuracy, and delivery of data dashboards across our Indonesia operations. Develop, improve, and optimize both system, tools, and data processing towards full automation. Build dashboards, self-service tools, and reports to analyze and present data associated with customer experience, product performance, business operations, and strategic decision-making with key business stakeholders in the organization. Consulting and problem-solving mind
Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Data Analytics
7 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff

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