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Logo of VOCAL MIDDLE 布爾喬亞公關顧問股份有限公司.
感謝您對<布爾喬亞公關顧問>職務的青睞。為更深入了解您的專業背景和能力,我們非常期待藉由個人履歷及Cover Letter認識您。 ▶個人履歷:將有助於我們瞭解您在過去的職涯中所累積的豐富經驗與
500K ~ 700K TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 荷蘭商瑞技科技有限公司台灣分公司.
Responsibilities: 1.Design and propose next generation Networking & Storage solutions that meet the needs and functional requirements of the customer. 2.Translating key business requirements into Networking / Storage solutions 3.Integrating Networking solutions into the network design, and implementation. 4.Present complex technical concepts in a manner that can be easily understood by non-technical or semi-technical audiences 5.As a consultant to the customers, striving to gain a trusted adviso
70K ~ 130K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 天群企管顧問有限公司.
與獵才團隊合作人選開發 開發/維護客戶關係 安排面試、Offer 協商 其他主管交辦事項
Microsoft Office
Google Drive
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of TLV CO., LTD..
A professional in the development, design, and delivery of solutions based on technical diagnosis. Consulting Engineer is a specialty job that is intended for people with a technical background who do not specialize in hardware development and design. In short, Consulting Engineer is a position that involves being a developer in the market. Working with clients, Consulting Engineer professionals confirm on-site whether energy, such as steam, hot water, water, and electricity, is being used effic
Fluid Mechanics
Plant Design
Mechanical and Electrical
230K ~ 255K JPY / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
獵才說明💯:成立此間公司希望著重發展區塊鏈衍伸產品,會架私鏈及 Web3.0 個人名片、Wallet 應用。市場以日本為主,再拓展到其他地區。90% B2B 自有產品+ 10% 根據客戶客製化,部分產品已上線。 您好, 如果您
1.5M ~ 2.2M TWD / year
6 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
<工作內容> 1.提供客戶理財建議與規劃 2.金融商品銷售與諮詢等多樣化金融服務 3.歡迎無經驗者或應屆畢業生,對金融業有熱情、樂於接受挑戰者加入 4.透過專業培訓機制,培育成
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
1.外匯存款、匯兌相關作業 2.進出口作業 3.內部、主管機關等報表編製 福利:保障年終2個月+績效獎金 聯繫方式: TEL:0968-286-502 LINE ID:ppoo5819
35K ~ 50K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
1.確認客戶帳款費用、款項明細等應收款項帳務。 2.確認廠商帳款費用、款項明細等應付款項帳務,並完成月結成本報表。 3.依客戶需求開立不同的雲端帳號並提供報價及帳號。 4.定期維
Sales Operations
40K ~ 55K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
高流量品牌📱支付解決方案為數百萬用戶提供服務🙂‍↕️ 台灣團隊約 10 位,主管為日本人,需英文溝通能力。 職位描述 理解並支持企業目標與目的,針對所分配之任務進行開發 與團隊合作,維護和
1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
獵才說明💯:成立此間公司希望著重發展區塊鏈衍伸產品,會架私鏈及 Web3.0 個人名片、Wallet 應用。市場以日本為主,再拓展到其他地區。90% B2B 自有產品+ 10% 根據客戶客製化,部分產品已上線。 如果您對先
1.2M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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