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✨ 願景成為華人地區保險服務的第一品牌 ✨ 穩定的調薪機制、健全薪資福利 ✨ 成立超過 4 年時間 產品包含 車險:強制險、任意險 火險:住宅火險及地震險、商業火險、附加險 水險:貨物運輸險。 新種險
1.5M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
7 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
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⭐️成立超過 8 年,穩健新創 ⭐️薪資福利優渥 工作內容: 作為技術主管,您將負責領導我們的技術團隊,確保我們的技術架構和解決方案能夠支持公司的業務需求和長期發展目標。您的主要工作內
RD manager
Software manager
Engineering Manager
2M ~ 3M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
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✨團隊成立超過 5 年時間 ✨AIoT 產品,目前遍佈在歐美、亞洲地區 ✨實力堅強的技術團隊,帶領 10 位軟體工程師 ✨因業務成長,新成立的角色 欲了解職位細節,歡迎透過下方資訊聯繫瞭解呦
2M ~ 3M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
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【工作目標】 以產品創新或精進營運策略來驅動公司績效增長。 【工作內容】 制定產品策略及定位,確保產品發展與公司目標一致。 主導創新產品或服務的規劃與洽談,包括商業條件、合作模式及申請
Communication Skills
Product Manager
1.5M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
10 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
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公司介紹 我們是一家創新驅動的電商平台,專注於精選居家、3C及時尚配件。使命是突破傳統,通過精挑細選的商品、高效的數字行銷和先進的技術平台,為消費者提供卓越的購物體驗。創立超過10
Engineering Management
2M ~ 2.6M TWD / year
8 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
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Company highlights 電商平台競爭激烈,找到自己的藍海市場是關鍵!這間公司主要專注在推廣創意設計和高品質生活風格品牌,為消費者提供獨特且精選的商品選擇,與一般大眾市場的電商平台有明顯的市
2M ~ 2.6M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
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Company highlights 🌏全球知名外商半導體設備供應商,全球市值最大 📈業務快速成長,開發項目多元 🙌🏻這個職位一半時間管人,一半時間技術協助。團隊積極投注開發資源,與頂尖成員共同成長 Responsibilities Oversee SBI and MBI
2M ~ 3M TWD / year
10 years of experience required
No management responsibility
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【Typical Accountabilities】 1. Manage development activities across mobile platforms, ensuring effective communication with FW, QA, framework, and support teams. 2. Experience with both iOS and Android platforms is required, with the ability to lead both sides of R&D. 3. Design technical roadmaps by evaluating software and hardware requirements, aiming for innovation and a stellar customer experience. 4. Tasks breakdown with the mobile team, framework lead, and PM to design solutions and
2M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
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Company Overview: Join a pioneering team within one of Taiwan’s leading financial institutions, aiming to transform the banking experience with AI-powered, data-driven strategies. As part of the Consumer Banking Group’s Taiwan Data Chapter, this role leads a high-impact team focused on enabling smarter, faster decision-making and enhancing customer engagement through advanced data analytics. About the Role: As the Business Analytics Team Lead, you will oversee a dynamic team of analysts dedicate
2M ~ 4.5M TWD / year
10 years of experience required
Managing 10-15 staff
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You will be entrusted with spearheading our engineering unit, facilitating the development of team members' technical and professional acumen. In this job, you will be responsible for: • Technical Leadership and Architectural Design: Lead the team in complex system architecture design and restructuring, with a focus on ensuring high performance, availability, and security. Actively participate in technology selection, carrying out evaluations, and orchestrating the introduction of novel technolo
IOS Development
1.8M ~ 2.3M TWD / year
10 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff

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