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Logo of PERSOLKELLY 台灣英創管理顧問股份有限公司.
關於 PERSOLKELLY PERSOLKELLY 於亞太 13 個地區設有 45 處據點,是一間領先的人才解決方案顧問公司, 服務領域涵蓋各產業人才招募服務與人事管理。我們致力於連結企業與頂尖人才,除了成為客戶成功的推手外,協
190 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 康彼斯顧問股份有限公司 | ConBiz Consulting.
職稱:數據分析 intern Purpose of this Position: 協助資料分析與實驗數據整理  Major Areas of Responsibility: 資料整理:負責整理實驗測試數據,以便後續進行統計分析。 程式設計:利用程式語言提升數據分析效能,並纂寫統計計算工具。 Minimum
200+ TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
About US 人工智慧影音生成平台,緊跟AI潮流✨ 與全球媒體、企業合作 🌐 Google認證的技術合作夥伴💪🏻 扁平化的新創氛圍 Responsibilities 開發與維護自有產品的AI影音編輯界面 利用WAPI建立影片 和前端夥伴們一
1.1M ~ 1.4M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 康彼斯顧問股份有限公司 | ConBiz Consulting.
公司: MOXA_四零四科技股份有限公司 時薪:200起 一週3天 Purpose of this Position: 負責零件承認樣品拍照與基本尺寸量測,與承認書製作,及相關的文書作業、流程追蹤、與行政事務。 ◼ Major Areas of Responsibility: 1.零件料號申請的流
190 ~ 210 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of AIBEDA HealthTech Consulting Co., Ltd..
AIBEDA HealthTech Consulting is seeking highly motivated undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in a six-month internship program that offers scientific research in a fast-paced environment. The internship will include training on methodology in hypothesis-driven investigations that enable science to support decision-making throughout the product development cycle. As part of the team, your participation will contribute to the success of AIBEDA’s clients. In addition, students will b
Medical Devices
200 ~ 500 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of A-Studio Consulting Co..
協助經營公司社群網站PO文及規劃 完成主管及顧問交辦事宜
google drive
168 ~ 180 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of A-Studio Consulting Co..
辦公室行政事務處理 電話接聽 文書處理 活動協辦規劃 網站資訊更新 發文 完成主管及顧問交辦事宜
google drive
168 ~ 180 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of Vietnam Jobs Hub.
About Ogilvy Ogilvy has been creating impact for brands through iconic, culture-changing, value-driving ideas since the company was founded by David Ogilvy 75 years ago. It builds on that rich legacy through Borderless Creativity – innovating at the intersections of its advertising, public relations, relationship design, consulting, and health capabilities with experts collaborating seamlessly across over 120 offices in nearly 90 countries. Ogilvy currently ranks as the #1 global agency network
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Vietnam Jobs Hub.
ABOUT KPMG KPMG is a global network of independent member firms offering Audit, Tax, Legal, Advisory and Consulting services. The firms work closely with clients, helping them to mitigate risks and grasp opportunities. In Vietnam & Cambodia, KPMG is one of the largest professional firms with offices in Ho Chi Minh city, Hanoi, Danang and PhnomPenh. Established since 1994, we have 30 years of experience with more than 2,000 professionals. We lead with a commitment to
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Vietnam Jobs Hub.
WHO WE ARE Arches connects strategic consulting firms, Private Equity firms, and Hedge Funds with the expertise they need to make better decisions. Since 2019, we've grown from a startup to a global team of 170+ professionals across Asia, secured $6 million in funding, and become a trusted partner for the world's leading firms. Our experts support critical business decisions through Commercial Due Diligence, Market Research, Value Creation strategies, and more. We're now
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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