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Logo of Dent&Co牙醫小幫手.
Dent&Co牙醫小幫手 客戶成功經理 Customer Success Manager With Flexible Working-From-Home Policy 牙醫小幫手成立於2019年,是一個Chatbot CRM + 線上即時牙醫預約平台(Marketplace),提供跨渠道、多語系的醫病互動管道包含簡訊、語音、LINE、Messenger、Google地圖等等,平台也
70K ~ 80K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 17FIT.
公司簡介: 17FIT是國內最多運動場館採用的雲端營運系統 (SaaS + IoT) 我們的理念是把科技的力量,帶給為數眾多的健身、美容場館的經營者 什麼是客戶成功 客戶成功即是確保客戶因訂閱服務而得到
30K ~ 60K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of awoo阿物科技股份有限公司.
積極從台灣、日本逐步推向全球,重新描繪海島小國以軟體航向世界的新路線。 ▎This Role: 在 SaaS 的世界,CSM (Customer Success Management) 絕對是產品及服務持續進步的關鍵!CSM 肩負連結產品科技與客戶需求的橋樑,並善用對產
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Tracle 垃可.
職位:客戶成功實習生(Customer Success Intern) 工作環境 鼓勵學習與不斷成長:Tracle 鼓勵夥伴自主學習,除了每月贊助的學習獎勵金之外,公司時常會參加一些創業聚會、活動、課程,工作之餘歡迎與團隊一起參加相關
200 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Autopass Inc — 麻吉行得通股份有限公司.
具體工作內容 此職位歡迎「注重用戶成長之客服」或「重注客戶關懷服務的業務」前來應徵。 日常客服以及嚴重客訴案件處理(以 電話 進行客戶服務為主要)。 定期關懷負責的客戶 account,找出能提升用戶使
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Tracle 垃可.
職位:客戶成功專員(Customer Success Specialist) 工作環境 鼓勵學習與不斷成長:Tracle 鼓勵夥伴自主學習,除了每月贊助的學習獎勵金之外,公司時常會參加一些創業聚會、活動、課程,工作之餘歡迎與團隊一起參加相關活
36K ~ 45K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Iron Mountain.
Summary: Communicating on a regular basis and nurturing the relationship to meet or exceed our customer’s evolving needs and allow us to provide solutions for all of their physical and digital asset management requirements. Duties: 1. To maintain business relationship with existing customers by contacting the customer on a regularly basis to improve customer service satisfaction. 維護現有客戶關係,定期聯繫以提升顧客服務滿
Microsoft Office
Google Drive
38K ~ 42K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of AIFIAN.
About AIFIAN AIFIAN is at the forefront of transforming real-world asset investment globally. Our mission is to democratize access to smart investment opportunities, leveraging advanced technology to bridge traditional finance and modern accessibility. Following our successful soft launch in Taiwan in 2023, focusing on the burgeoning market of liquor investments, we've captured significant enthusiasm. As we prepare to scale our operations internationally, we're expanding our team to champion AIF
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Cake Busi
Account Management
Customer Success
Project Management
40K ~ 75K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
帶領團隊建立穩固的客戶關係,提升客戶留存率、續約率、滿意度及業務成長。領導3-4人一線客戶成功團隊,協助客戶實現預期的目標。 領導力與策略規劃 制定客戶成功團隊策略藍圖,確保與公司
Customer Success
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff

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