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Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Logo of 創科數碼有限公司.
工作內容 主要工作職責 1.為 DevOps 工具鏈的各個領域提供支持,例如(但不限於)雲服務管理、CI/CD 工具、管道、應用程序和基礎架構部署、監控和維護 2.監督系統和基礎設施以確保最高水平的系
80K ~ 100K TWD / month
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 雲發互動科技有限公司.
我們是 Super 8 雲發互動,在LINE 官方帳號 / Facebook / Instagram 等即時通訊軟體上打造一站式自動化行銷/客服的 SaaS 雲端解決方案。 我們尋找具資安背景的 DevOps 工程師,負責公司 SaaS 產品的維運,確保系統穩定與安
Mac OS
780K+ TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Berry AI 華捷智能股份有限公司.
Company Introduction Berry AI is dedicated to revolutionizing the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry through computer vision. Our recent product focuses on improving Speed of Service in the US QSR market. By providing AI-based drive-thru timer systems and in-store customer journey tracking systems, we empower clients to gain insights, identify issues, and optimize operations through real-time human-machine interaction and post-hoc data analysis. We are seeking passionate individuals to join
1.2M ~ 2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Berry AI 華捷智能股份有限公司.
公司介紹: Berry AI 致力將 Computer Vision 應用在速食業領域,近期開發的產品聚焦於協助美國速食業改善 Speed of Service,透過提供給客戶 AI-based Drive-Thru Timer System,以及店內用餐的 Customer Journey 追蹤系統,協助客戶了解狀況、找到問題,透
1.2M ~ 2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Company Highlight】 致力於將 Computer Vision 應用在不同領域,協助企業優化改善各項作業流程 核心技術:ML Learning Pipelines, Edge AI, Computer Vision, Hybrid Cloud Architecture 【Responsibilities】 機器安裝與部署工具 供跨團隊使用的 API 服務與基礎設施 與其他團隊的 Ops 合作以建
Infrastructure Design
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Responsibilities】 建置與維運基礎設施。 設計和調整監控數據,持續優化及調校系統性能。 日常運維自動化腳本開發、維護、備份及復原。 配合應用程式需求維運及持續優化自動化流程(環境搭建、參數配置、業務調
700K ~ 1.4M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 富邦人壽保險股份有限公司.
1. 建置自動化CI/CD之解決方案,以完成程式更版自動編譯及部署作業。 2. 私有雲與混合雲架構設計與方案導入。 3. 負責DevOps支援系統發佈、部署、優化、監控、日誌等系統和流程的建設。 4. 協
10 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Responsibilities】 優化團隊開發效率,規劃並改進 CI/CD 工具與工作流程。 負責系統的發布、部署、性能調整、監控和日誌管理的搭建與優化。 協助開發團隊解決生產環境中的技術問題。 建置並維護 DevOps Dashboard,以確保產
800K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰世紀產物保險股份有限公司.
1. 配合集團政策,規劃與建置公有雲系統。 2. 管理公有雲系統環境;包含監控與故障處理。 【值得你加入的理由】 1. 專屬新人指導員進行輔導,讓新人快速瞭解公司組織文化及各項業務運作 2
Gitlab runner
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of AIFIAN.
About AIFIAN AIFIAN is at the forefront of transforming real-world asset investment globally. Our mission is to democratize access to smart investment opportunities, leveraging advanced technology to bridge traditional finance and modern accessibility. Following our successful soft launch in Taiwan in 2023, focusing on the burgeoning market of liquor investments, we’ve captured significant enthusiasm. As we prepare to scale our operations internationally, we’re expanding our team to champion AIF
1.2M ~ 2M TWD / year
6 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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