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Logo of foodpanda.
★挑戰百萬年薪!! foodpanda職涯啟航計畫★ 年終招募說明會&快速面試 你準備好迎接職涯的下一個高峰了嗎? 在 foodpanda,我們不僅提供一個工作的機會 更是讓你在充滿挑戰與創新的環境中,開啟無限可能的
32K ~ 60K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
★挑戰百萬年薪!! foodpanda職涯啟航計畫★ 年終招募說明會&快速面試 你準備好迎接職涯的下一個高峰了嗎? 在 foodpanda,我們不僅提供一個工作的機會 更是讓你在充滿挑戰與創新的環境中,開啟無限可能的
32K+ TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
各項營運問題;客戶管理單位透過數據思維,為餐廳提供銷售報告及業績增長的廣告活動建議,為 foodpanda 美食外送開發新商機、創造亮眼的營運績效。 【工作內容】 1. 依公司業務拓展策略,主動外訪接洽
30K ~ 60K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
一、職缺大綱 評估回收後的設備是否可再次使用,清潔、重置系統、與包裝成可再次出機的狀態,並於每日下班前登陸相關設備資料,以供追蹤。 二、工作內容: 1. 依照我們提供的 SOP 檢查與評估設備可
183+ TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
一、營運部在做什麼? foodpanda營運部門負責監控管理全台外送團隊的營運狀況,同時協調整合各部門資源以利公司營運順暢。 二、以下是你的工作內容: 【協助外送夥伴點數賣場運行相關專案執行】 有效提
VBA Excel
183+ TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
一、營運部在做什麼? foodpanda營運部門負責監控管理全台外送團隊的營運狀況,同時協調整合各部門資源以利公司營運順暢。 (1)Develop strategic direction based on research and analysis to provide actionable insights. (2)Monitor platform performance and generate recommendations across all functions. (3)Integrate and manage databases from
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
Responsibilities: -Serve as the primary point of contact for corporate clients, addressing their inquiries and needs promptly and effectively. -Build and maintain strong, long-term relationships with key stakeholders within client organizations. -Understand clients' business objectives and challenges to identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling our products and services. -Collaborate with internal teams to ensure the successful delivery of solutions and services to clients. -Monitor
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
1. 業務部訓練發展政策、體系與制度制訂 2. 擔任業務部內部訓練講師 3. 訓練發展需求分析,課程規劃、訓練發展計畫執行,訓練發展之成效評估 4 訓練發展費用控管,定期產出各項訓練報
70K ~ 90K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
1. 陌生業務開發:包含廣告策略規劃及合作洽談 2. 企劃提案與溝通協調:可獨立面對客戶,具備良好簡報撰寫與企劃提案能力,並能根據客戶的行銷需求提出專業觀點及建議 3. 專案控管
50K ~ 100K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of foodpanda.
【投遞方法】 請點選以下連結投遞此職缺,HR將以此來源收到的履歷為主並優先聯繫。 提供有價值的解決方案給商家,促進持續增長。 跟商家建立互相信賴且不可取代的合作關
35K+ TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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