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E. District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan
Logo of 創意電子股份有限公司.
1.Took responsibility of creating SDC for the complex SoC. 2.Took responsibility of timing analysis with customer. 3.Took responsibility of planning low-power structure and review flow (CPF/UPF). 4.Supported back-end team in post-layout timing closures 5.Supported project team in central tech-library management 6.Run EDA-Tool and GUC in-house design kit.
Digital IC
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
🚀適合個人特質:快速成長,擁抱改變、需要整合資源、願意接受挑戰,適合喜歡待在新創團隊特質的人選。💗 【從數據掌握真實問題,精進技術成長】 飛速成長的使用量和團隊,所帶來的技術挑戰與新功
900K ~ 1.6M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 創意電子股份有限公司.
1. Took responsibility of creating SDC for the complex SoC. 2. Took responsibility of timing analysis with customer. 3. Took responsibility of planning low-power structure and review flow (CPF/UPF). 4. Supported back-end team in post-layout timing closures 5. Supported project team in central tech-library management 6. Run EDA-Tool and GUC in-house design kit.
Digital IC
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 創意電子股份有限公司.
1. Perform physical synthesis from RTL or gate-to-gate optimization 2. Take responsibility for netlist, SDC and design quality check with customer 3. Chip I/O arrangement and verification with in-house tool 4. Perform low power structure verification (UPF/CPF) 5. Perform power replay and power analysis 6. Review/check implementation quality in each design stage 7. Cooperate with P&R in timing analysis 8. Planning chip
Digital IC
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 創意電子股份有限公司.
1. DDR/HBM controller IP design 2. DDR/HBM IP customer support 3. Execute digital IP front-end flow
Digital IC
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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