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Logo of Tagnology.
Tagnology 成立於 2019 年,透過數據與人工智慧的技術打造面向新世代消費者的影響力行銷科技(Marketing Technology ), 短短不到一年的時間即與各大品牌與國際 4A 廣告媒體集團成為戰略合作夥伴。 【工作內容】 前端行銷科
15K ~ 30K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 台灣樂天市場股份有限公司.
【關於樂天】 Rakuten is one of the leading e-commerce companies in the world. Our mission is to empower people and society through the internet while aiming at becoming the Global Innovation Company. As a frontend application engineer, you will be working on the web system (most frontend) which serves more than 6 million users shopping online. You will be able to realize the business needs and work closely with product managers and tech
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of PT. Varnion Technology Semesta.
Responsibilities : - Implement designs into working webpage with careful attention to detail - Create reusable component and UI/X skeleton. - Work and communicate with backend developer. - Optimizing page loading times. - Determining the structure and design web pages. - Placement in Jogja, Indonesia.
3M ~ 4M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of SHOPLINE 商線科技.
主要職責: 參與設計、開發與維護電商網站的前端功能與介面 與設計團隊合作,將設計稿轉換為高效且符合標準的 HTML/CSS/JavaScript 程式碼 確保網站在不同瀏覽器和設備上的性能優化與相容性 與後
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Salute Interactive 杉悟互動.
杉悟需要對技術趨勢敏銳,且不為自己設限 不斷從經驗與創意中尋找最佳解法,永遠對新事物保持好奇 在杉悟你將運用網頁技術渲染出各式奇特內容 穿插運用 threejs, shader, pixi.js, p5.js 等等繪圖引
Web Development
Frontend Development
45K ~ 65K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 思量科技有限公司.
1. 負責公司網站及應用程式的前端開發與維護。 2. 使用 Vue 開發前端功能。 3. 與 UI、後端、產品密切合作,確保實現符合設計和需求規範。 4. 優化應用程式以提高速度和效能。 5. 維護並改進
50K ~ 80K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 米蘭數位傳播集團.
MEShPlus是於2020年成立的MarTech(行銷科技)新創公司,隸屬於博報堂廣告集團旗下 致力於發展大數據應用,將數據及AI應用在廣告行銷上,帶給廣告主及消費者更智能的行銷體驗 我們正在為新的一年做準
45K ~ 65K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 邁智微電子股份有限公司.
We are looking for a Junior Frontend Engineer to join our expanding lineup of wireless and broadband solutions. As we broaden our offerings in CPE devices and wireless display products, and cater to a diverse customer base, the demand for frontend development expertise continues to grow. As a Junior Frontend Engineer at Actiontec, you will help users improve their network management efficiency in a cloud-centric, mobile-first world. You will work closely with designers, frontend engineers
Frontend Development
Web Development
UI Development
650K ~ 750K TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 雲訊科技有限公司.
做為一位前端工程師,就像是進入了一個魔法的世界,您的任務是把平凡的網頁轉變成一個充滿生命力和魅力的虛擬王國 (゚Д゚)σ━00000000000━● 將平淡無奇的文字和圖片變成一個個令人驚艷的網頁畫面,賦予
Front End
50K ~ 100K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Tricuss.
能,分析並解決潛在問題。 撰寫清晰且可維護的程式碼,確保符合團隊的開發標準。 【Job Description】 Design and develop websites and Frontend applications to ensure high performance and excellent user experiences. Develop Frontend projects using TypeScript, React.js, and Next.js. Collaborate with Backend engineers to create appealing and functional user interfaces. Continuously optimize Frontend performance
50K ~ 100K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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