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Logo of BitoGroup 幣託科技股份有限公司.
團隊介紹 Golang 團隊主要負責交易撮合以及區塊鏈錢包等功能,除了業務邏輯的開發維護,我們也會跟 SRE 合作導入新技術以及優化架構,例如為了提升系統可觀測性,埋入更多 promethues metrics 以及導入 opentelemtry。 身為
85K ~ 150K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 哇寶國際資訊股份有限公司.
Work Location:Taipei, Taiwan Remote work level:No Remote work 【團隊使用技術】 1. Vue3 as major framework 2. Docker for personal development environment 3. Git for version control 4. Gitlab CI for CI & CD 5. Agile development 【工作環境與公司理念】 1. 秉持著以人為本的理念,提供彈性上下班制度,鼓勵員工
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 哇寶國際資訊股份有限公司.
Work Location:Taipei, Taiwan Remote work level:No Remote work 【團隊使用技術】 1. LAMP stack, PHP8.1+ as major language and version 2. Laravel 9+ as major framework 3. Docker for personal development environment 4. Git for version control 5. Gitlab CI for CI & CD 6. Agile development 【工作環境與公司理念】 1. 秉持著以人為本的
LAMP Stack
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 東畇策創科技股份有限公司.
後端以golang, container, kubernetes, gitlab CICD為主,所有後端系統建置在GCP上 從後端系統的建置流程跟方法一同研究學習,參與產品開發討論並依需求來建置、開發後端系統 後端採用的皆為目前較新的技術,如kubernetes、service mesh、gRPC
80K ~ 100K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of Cathay Financial Holdings 國泰金控.
1. Contribute to system architecture design. 2. Improve and manage Anisable ,Terraform, K8S, OCP and CI/CD pipeline. 3. Experienced in building CICD pipelines of a large-scale enterprise 4. Communicate, escalate, and follow up as appropriate to ensure that problems are solved. 5. Familiar with source code version control tools like Git, Gitlab, Github, etc.
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 龍巖股份有限公司.
管理與建置CI/CD流程。 2.具備基本相關雲服務資安設定 3.熟悉監控日誌系統 (ELK、 Grafana, etc) 4.K8s 基本使用及管理 5.熟悉 CICD 軟體的操作設定 (Jenkins、Gitlab-CI, etc) 6.熟悉 CloudWatch 7.利用 Docker 架設 web service (nginx, etc)
40K ~ 70K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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