Cake Job Search

Logo of Cake.
提案撰寫、專案管理或活動規劃經驗 具備良好的溝通協調能力及專案管理技巧 熟悉數位工具如 Google Workspace、Notion 等 About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and
Social Impact
Project Management
Tender Management
480K ~ 840K TWD / 年
1 years of experience required
Logo of GoFreight.
Company Overview: At GoFreight, we're revolutionizing the freight industry with innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology. As a dynamic startup, we prioritize excellence, customer satisfaction, and fostering a collaborative, growth-oriented environment. We're seeking a world class talented engineer to join our Engineering department and play a pivotal role in shaping our future success. Job Description: As a member of the GoFreight Engineering team, you'll be at the forefront of our missi
No requirement for relevant working experience
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
獵才說明💯:成立此間公司希望著重發展區塊鏈衍伸產品,會架私鏈及 Web3.0 個人名片、Wallet 應用。市場以日本為主,再拓展到其他地區。90% B2B 自有產品+ 10% 根據客戶客製化,部分產品已上線。 您好, 如果您
1.5M ~ 2.2M TWD / 年
6 years of experience required
Logo of SHOPLINE 商線科技.
SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台,創立於 2013 年,2014 年獲選加入矽谷 500 Startups 加速器計劃,是香港多年來第二間加入的團隊,2015 年正式進入台灣市場。SHOPLINE 是致力於協助品牌一舉創建、管理線上與線下商店的一站式智
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / 年
3 years of experience required
Logo of 新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司.
[General Responsibilities] 1. Develop and implement go-to-market plans for new products and marketing campaigns, ensuring successful launches in the assigned region to achieve the given branding and sales targets. 2. Work closely with cross-functional teams, including product development, Brand, influencer marketing, digital Ads, CRM, social and content marketing to define product positioning, messaging, and targeting strategies. 3. Monitor and measure the success of go-to-market initiatives thr
Marketing Strategy
40K ~ 100K TWD / 月
4 years of experience required
Logo of 香港商雲湧遊戲有限公司台灣分公司.
【關於我們】 雲湧遊戲有限公司是一家總部位於香港的公司,是亞太地區最大的遊戲卡代理之一。除了香港,敝公司在台北、上海、廣州、新加坡和吉隆坡都設有分支機構。我們的主要業務合作夥伴包
60K ~ 80K TWD / 月
2 years of experience required
Logo of Damen|大門科技顧問有限公司.
【關於我們】 與全球十大平台網站合作,在交易、安全和區塊鏈產品創新方面提供一流的服務體驗。 我們的產品研發團隊自成立以來一直秉承用戶至上和安全至上的理念,產品不斷更新迭代,技術
1.3M ~ 2.6M TWD / 年
3 years of experience required
Logo of 謙光有限公司.
Golang開發 1. 一年以上Golang開發經驗,熟練使用Go Mod,在sqlx、fasthttp、gorm、regexp等關鍵組件有較深的使用經驗 2. 熟悉MySQL、TiDB、StarRocks、Redis等數據機存儲的原理及使用 3. 熟悉TCP/IP、WebSocket、HTTP(S)、gRPC、RocketMQ、Kafka網路編程以及通信協
90K ~ 250K TWD / 月
1 years of experience required
Logo of 雲訊科技有限公司.
碼,以獲得更加性能 4. 持續學習和掌握新技術 【WHAT YOU MIGHT DO / LEARN】 - Design a gaming service architecture using gRPC, Redis, MSSQL, enhancing system performance and scalability. - Optimized API response time and reliability using Go's error group, ensuring efficient parallel processing and error handling. - Designed and conducted API and load testing, minimizing error incidence. - Revamped database read-write processes into stored procedures.
Golang Backend
50K ~ 120K TWD / 月
2 years of experience required
Logo of BlueX Trade Co., Ltd..
BlueX Trade is a fintech company dedicated to empowering small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) with accessible global supply chain cash flow solutions. We are seeking a talented Sr. Golang Backend Engineer to join us and elevate our product to the next level. What You Will Do Develop and maintain: Digital financial account systems Data integration frameworks Workflow automation platforms Low-code data middleware platforms Collaborate with cross-departmental teams to optimize product performan
1.5M ~ 2M TWD / 年
5 years of experience required

