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Logo of 柯鑭軟體有限公司.
Codelab.ai is a cloud-based SaaS product designed for developers to build frontend web applications. We provide UI as a service in the form of highly configurable building blocks . Components are as customizable as in code. It’s as simple as bringing your own API endpoint & binding data to our UI layer. Technologies: These are libraries we use on a daily basis. Prior experience isn’t required for all of them, but a
React JS
1.2M ~ 1.6M TWD / năm
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Logo of 可澍科技有限公司.
參與設計和開發管理平台前後端部分。 與UI/UX設計師合作,針對User Flow制定開發文件。 與UI/UX設計師合作,根據設計製作前端平台。 後端資料庫內容執行,確保前端設計與後端服務的無縫整合。 負
5K ~ 35K TWD / bài viết
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Logo of 三宏科技股份有限公司 Trident.
在公司,每個員工有較大的自主性,資深工程師可以獨自完成從功能規劃到實作,讓你的工作充滿成就感而不是碎片化螺絲釘般的體驗,較為資淺的工程師會有人帶領輔導,讓你逐步學習 JavaScript、CSS、Vue
910K ~ 1.4M TWD / năm
Yêu cầu 3 năm kinh nghiệm
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Logo of 三宏科技股份有限公司 Trident.
在公司,每個員工有較大的自主性,資深工程師可以獨自完成從功能規劃到實作,讓你的工作充滿成就感而不是碎片化螺絲釘般的體驗,較為資淺的工程師會有人帶領輔導,讓你逐步學習 JavaScript、CSS、Vue
700K ~ 910K TWD / năm
Yêu cầu 3 năm kinh nghiệm
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Logo of WORD UP.
情。 體認工程師的價值不止是照著 Spec 做,而是一起與團隊做出好的產品給用戶,提供用戶價值 使用 Jest 或其他測試框架編寫和維護 unit test、integration test 和 e2e test 不斷提升技術技能和知識,並與團隊分享,與團隊
50K ~ 65K TWD / tháng
Yêu cầu 1 năm kinh nghiệm
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Logo of WORD UP.
師的事情。 體認工程師的價值不止是照著 Spec 做,而是一起與團隊做出好的產品給用戶,提供用戶價值 使用 Jest、Cypress 或其他測試框架編寫和維護 unit test、integration test 和 e2e test 不斷提升技術技能和知識,並與團隊分
65K ~ 100K TWD / tháng
Yêu cầu 3 năm kinh nghiệm
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 鉅亨金融科技股份有限公司(鉅亨網).
的改版,也不斷開發新的服務。 ◆ 前端技術主要是 React.js, Next.js & Typescript,開發流程有GitLab CI, 以及 code review, unit test (jest, enzyme), e2e test 提高程式碼的可靠性。 【職務內容】 1.新聞,廣告,社群,金流,CMS後台等系統。 2.基金、股票、期
50K ~ 80K TWD / tháng
Yêu cầu 4 năm kinh nghiệm
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Logo of growthbotics.
Typescript、React、Webpack、Next.js、Relay、Tailwind、CSS-in-JS(通過styled-components或emotion)。 擁有 GraphQL(Apollo、Relay)和 REST 技術(fetch、react-swr、react-query)的工作經驗。 通過(單元)jest 和 react-testing-library 以及 (e2e) cypress 進行測試的經驗。 首選要求 4年以上軟件工程經驗。 熟悉 D3、visx 和/或其他圖
790K+ TWD / tháng
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. 2 years of experience with software development in one or more programming languages, or 1 year of experience with an advanced degree. 2 years of experience with data structures or algorithms in an academic or industry setting and with Android application development. Experience in Android development with Kotlin for software development and managing development teams. Preferred qualifications: Master's degree or PhD i
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. 5 years of experience in product management or related technical role. 2 years of experience in taking technical products from conception to launch. Preferred qualifications: 3 years of experience in a business function. 3 years of experience in preparing and delivering technical presentations to executive leadership. 2 years of experience in software development or engineering. Experience with software development lev

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