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Logo of OpenNet 開網有限公司.
If you ● Are a self-driven DevOps Engineer with proven experience in large-scale micro-service systems hosted on AWS ● Have a deep understanding of cloud architecture, AWS technologies and cloud security best practices ● Are following the latest industry trends and are passionate about cloud computing for large-scale systems Key Responsibilities ● Work in a team of DevOps and DBA professionals – initially 3 people, although this will expand throughout the country expansion ● Improve existing inf
900K ~ 2.2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
與Data Engineer合作、累積Data相關技能樹 【Job Description】 使用 terraform 管理 GCP 基礎建設 監控和優化系統效能 管理和維護 Kubernetes 服務 協助開發人員建立高可用和高擴展架構 系統監控及 Log 的處理 - Elasticsearch / Kibana/ tableau / Cassandra 維護 tableau 服務
1.2M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 杜浦數位安全股份有限公司.
硬體、系統維護 【其他條件】 ◆ 工作積極主動,機動性高、可以快速上手突發需求 ◆ 有意願排班 on call 處理系統問題 ◆ ELK 與相關資料收集工具使用經驗 ◇ Elastic Stack: (ELK) Elasticsearch, Kibana & Logstash ◇ Elastic Agent ◇ Filebeat ◇ Auditbeat ◇ K8S deploy & monitoring ◆ 熟
600K ~ 1M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 旭盈資訊有限公司.
1.操控監控系統(Zabbix、Kibana、Grafana、CloudWatch等)查看各系統運作狀態 2.異常告警時判斷錯誤狀況並分析問題發生點 3.轉發相關單位進行排查與問題解決 4.配合主管執行部門相關事項 5.其他主管
45K ~ 70K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT Asian Tec Indonesia.
1. Maximal usia 24 Tahun. 2. Domisili di daerah Jakarta dan sekitarnya. 3. Pendidikan minimal STM. 4. Dapat mengoperasikan Ms. Office 5. Mengerti dan memahami AUTOCAD. 6. Memahami proses pengolahan air bersih dan limbah secara fisika, kimia, maupun biologi. 7. Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim dan berjiwa pemimpin. 8. Bersedia ditempatkan di luar kota untuk kebutuhan proyek. 9. Mampu beradaptasi dan belajar dengan cepat
3M ~ 4.9M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of PT Sino Cargo Indonesia.
Responsibilities : Responsible for translating and interpreting a foreign language Mandarin into Bahasa. Responsible for on-site translation and document translation Have knowledge Technical field is a plus
8M ~ 10M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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