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Logo of PT. Bank Mayapada Internasional, Tbk..
Menjalankan dan memproses seluruh aktifitas terkait administrasi dan dokumentasi kepegawaian Bank Mayapada baik yang berada di dalam atau diluar Platform HRIS, sesuai dengan Kebijakan, Prosedur, dan Ketentuan yang ditetapkan Bank. Menjalankan dan memproses seluruh aktifitas terkait pemenuhan kebutuhan karyawan outsourcing untuk ditempatkan ke unit kerja yang membutuhkan sesuai dengan Kebijakan, Prosedur, dan Ketentuan yang ditetapkan Bank (khusus Jabodetabek) Mengumpulkan dan menyiapkan data yan
Microsoft Office
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT. Bank Mayapada Internasional, Tbk..
Melaksanakan uji coba yang sudah direncanakan bagian IT Security & Assurance terhadap sistem informasi bank baik yang menyangkut sistem informasi bank maupun infrastruktur sistem informasi bank. Membantu mencarikan pemecahan permasalahan yang terjadi pada kecacatan software atau hardware peralatan pengamanan jaringan sehingga gangguan terhadap sistem informasi bank dapat diatasi. Melakukan proses administrasi, pemeliharaan dan pengelolaan terhadap semua peralatan perangkat keamanan jaringan yang
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of PT. Bank Mayapada Internasional, Tbk..
Melakukan aktivitas analisa, desain, pengembangan, ujicoba dan migrasi yang diperlukan untuk mengimplementasikan permintaan user dalam mengembangkan aplikasi yang digunakan bank. Berkonsultasi dengan para user/internal bank untuk mengidentifikasi prosedur-prosedur operasional saat ini, mengklarifikasi kebutuhan user dan menawarkan rekomendasi dan usulan solusi. Mengevaluasi permintaan-permintaan user atas program-program baru atau modifikasi untuk menentukan kelayakannya, biaya dan waktu yang di
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Celestica Malaysia.
Job Overview: 1. This job is expected to build system architecture for Server & Storage products: 2. Talk with the external and the front end team, understand market/customer requirements to define system architecture for Server & Storage products. Major Duties & Responsibilities: 1. Lead technical proposal for customer RFQs 2. Define white box products’ architecture and elaborate detail requirements 3. Lead system level building blocks 4. Join critical trouble shooting and provide suggestion
15K ~ 24K MYR / month
10 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Celestica Malaysia.
Lead the design, development and implementation of technical solutions for complex projects, involving multiple domains. Participate in project planning and scheduling. Provide technical leadership and direction to a sizable team of engineers. May be a recognized expert (go to person) in one or more technical areas Take responsibility for non-technical elements of an engineering project (people, financials etc.). Review and interpret customer requirements/specifications and may act as primary cu
10 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of Celestica Malaysia.
Responsible for thermal test validation of IT equipments including server/storage/switch product. Set-up thermal test environment and execute the thermal test including wind tunnel test and temperature test. Work with other function team to resolve thermal relevant issues. Document comprehensive thermal test plan and report.
8K ~ 14K MYR / month
8 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Celestica Malaysia.
As a Signal Integrity Test and Validation Engineer, you will develop, test, server/ storage/ communication products. Major works are SI and PI test, provides the support to customers, internal team and suppliers. Job Responsibilities : Develop a signal integrity test and validation plan, including test plan scope, schedule estimation, and resource allocation, for the server, storage, and communication platform. Complete the test items according to the test plan on time. Flexible timing adjustmen
6 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Celestica Malaysia.
Responsible for thermal solutions design to meet product requirements Conduct the detailed thermal assessment by calculation and simulation analysis to ensure optimal thermal solution implemented Responsible for delivering comprehensive thermal proposal for RFQ technical response and presenting thermal proposal to customers Work closely with heat sink vendors to develop cost-efficient heat sink solution to meet performance and cost target Provide power-saving fan speed control strategy and work
Google Drive
8K ~ 14K MYR / month
7 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 昕擎人力資源有限公司.
1. 3年以上動畫藝術與技術整合經驗,有美術與技術結合的專案經驗 2. 熟練動畫軟體(如Maya、Blender)和引擎(如Unity、Unreal Engine),熟悉動畫資源的導入、優化和表現 3. 熟悉角色與場景動畫的原理,有Rigging、骨骼
70K ~ 100K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 昕擎人力資源有限公司.
1. 5年以上動畫技術支援相關經驗,具備完整的動畫製作與技術整合經驗 2. 精通主流動畫軟體(如Maya、3ds Max)與動畫工具鏈的開發與最佳化 3. 具備圖形學、骨骼系統、蒙皮、物理模擬等相關知
3ds max
80K ~ 120K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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