後端工程師的職缺說明: ##工作內容 -以Nodejs或GoLang開發Restful API Server -RDBMS(MSSQL)及NoSQL(MongoDB)資料庫管理及開發 -工作排程撰寫 -Cache(快取)機制開發 -Server To Server訊息通知機制開發 -DevOps快速部署 ##技能需求 1.熟悉 ES6、Nodejs、Redis
What do you want to do during your school year or vacation? How about changing people's lives and getting exposure to one of the hottest emerging fields in health technology? How about being a part of a global team, working with talented and passionate people worldwide? How about being in the splash zone and witnessing the exciting and meaningful work of one of the Top 50 social impact organizations in Taiwan? We are looking for a Software Engineer Intern