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Logo of PT Djoeragan Kuliner Kebanggaan Indonesia.
Tanggung Jawab : -Merencanakan dan melaksanakan semua aktivitas akuisisi digital menggunakan platform iklan termasuk SEM, social media, display advertising campaigns, affiliate marketing, programmatic, dll Memaksimalkan anggaran secara efektif untuk mencapai KPI maksimum menjaga CAC pada tingkat optimal. -Bertanggung jawab untuk berkoordinasi dan mengelola komunikasi dengan banyak vendor dan Third party Trackers untuk mencapai tujuan akuisisi. -Mengukur dan melaporkan kinerja semua kampanye pema
Google Ads
Meta Ads
TikTok Ads
5M ~ 6M IDR / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 嘉曜醫材有限公司.
|關於我們| 由月經狂熱份子所成立,旗下有致力於月經教育和議題推廣的團體「谷慕慕®」,出版台灣第一本生理用品發展史,以及台灣原創月經教育漫畫書。另有知名的台灣第一個月經褲品牌「月
Google Ads
Meta Ads
Google Analytics
38K ~ 50K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 獨角獸股份有限公司.
想要踏入 FMCG 的世界嗎? 只要你有豐富「投放廣告的操作經驗」和能夠「提出優化方向的邏輯策略」, BFFECT 都展開雙臂歡迎你~ 我們正在尋找一位資深數位廣告投手,你將成為我們獨角獸團隊中不可或缺的
Meta Ads
Google Ads
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 陽光伏特家.
個職缺就是為你而設! 我們不要求你有豐富的廣告投放經驗,但我們希望你已經開始行動,拿到 Google AdsMeta 相關廣告證照、燒賣研究所廣告投放班畢業證書、或參與過專業廣告投放課程。 無論你是剛
Google Analytics
Google Ads
37K ~ 42K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 英屬開曼群島商雲數位智能行銷有限公司台灣分公司.
【工作內容】 1. 操作數位廣告平台 (Google AdsMeta、YouTube 、Line等) 的廣告投放及優化,以達成客戶的廣告目標 (例如:提升轉換率、降低成本、增加銷售、獲取名單)。 2.根據客戶需求準備廣告報表(周月報)與結案 3.
Meta Ads
30K ~ 50K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 易得雲端股份有限公司.
【主要工作內容】 ・數位廣告操作:獨立操作、管理並優化各種數位廣告,包含 Meta、Google、LinkedIn 等。 ・網站內容規劃:協助規劃官網內容並與設計師合作產出 landing page。 ・廣告創意發想:發想創意且引人注目的廣告素材與
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Meta Ads
45K ~ 70K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 香港商亞思博數位媒體股份有限公司台灣分公司.
台湾在住日本人必見!デジタルマーケティングの才能を発揮しましょう! [ Responsibility ] As Account Manager (Ad Operations), you play a pivotal role in marketing strategy proposals, client pitches with Business Development colleagues across Asia, marketing execution (including social media/web ads setup), and optimization events for clients. This role requires excellent coordination skills to liaise with our partners
Digital Marketing
Google Analytics
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Hyphen Works.
We’re an independent creative, web, and design practice based in New York and Taipei. ( / /information / We work with brands and institutions to support the voices of creators and the underserved. We operate with rigor and an expert-generalist approach across the East and West. With a nimble and capable network of
Business Development
600K ~ 1.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 雅德思生醫有限公司.
注意: 1. FB / Ads 廣告後台都沒有使用過,這份職位不適合您 2. 挑戰測驗嫌麻煩,這份職位不適合您 3. 投了履歷,發訊息.電話都不會回的人,我們不會錄取您 您可以私訊取得測驗考題,只要
GTM Strategy
Looker Studio
38K ~ 55K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Outo 奧拓.
We are Outo. We are challenging the status quo of guided travel. With the vision of building the largest semi-independent travel company in the Chinese-speaking market, we are building one of the fastest growing teams in the industry to help our customers to plan less, and travel more. Our growth is powered by the mission that we can innovate on outdated modes of travel, and this mission brought together a concentration of exceptional, driven people
Marketing Strategy
Omnichannel Marketing
Digital Marketing
30K ~ 50K USD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff

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