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Taipei City, Taiwan
Mid-Senior level
Logo of Oracle.
‘ Oracle is an equal opportunity employer and committed to the principle of equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to personal attributes such as sex, race or disability. We value diversity and welcome all applicants to apply.’ Group & Job Description/Profile The system Test team is part of the Database Server Technologies division. It is responsible for performing multi-tier stress, destructive, and performance tests using various testing tools, to emulate real-world enterp
Oracle Database
Shell Script
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
>>知名流通與零售的本土跨國企業 JD 1. 維持資料庫正常運作,資料庫異常狀況及使用者需求處理。 2. 資料庫效能報表分析/判讀,提供有效解決方案。 3. 專案對應/資料庫架構規劃及建
800K+ TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 旭盈資訊有限公司.
1. 負責 MYSQL 管理、對於現有資料庫進行修優化。 2.對於已有Slow Query進行改善。 3.數據庫效能、容量監控及參數調校,故障與突發異常狀況排除。 4. 設計資料庫備份、備援及災難復原計劃。 5.協助
100K ~ 120K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰綜合證券股份有限公司.
1. 擔任資料庫管理人員,負責資料庫安裝、性能調校、資源擴充與安全性管理工作 2. 保證資料庫完整性、安全性、穩定與高可用性 3. 負責資料庫備份與災難備援機制以達成業務連續性的不
800K ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 新領科技份有限公司.
1. 有建置My SQL DB的經驗; 2. 確保日/週/月數據庫集群系統的穩定、高效運行; 3. 根據業務需求,優化數據庫架構,實施數據庫集群與負載均衡方案; 4. 排除數據庫故障,並對數據庫進行持
70K ~ 110K TWD / month
Logo of 睿締國際科技股份有限公司.
data intensive backend systems. Minimum qualifications: 1. 5+ years experience in python or other scripting languages. 2. 5+ years experience in at least one static typed language. 3. Experience working with relational databases like MySQL. 4. Experience in developing clean and maintainable APIs. 5. Experience with cloud environments like AWS, Lambda, Serverless or Azure/GCP Preferred Qualifications: 1. An expert in data modeling for relational databases
1.5M+ TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 台灣用友資訊軟體有限公司 Yonyou Taiwan .
進行產品培訓並指導關鍵使用者使用和完善後續應用; 5、企業流程管理系統:能以ERP系統進行相關工作流程解決方案設計。 Responsibilities : -Business Process Management (BPM) consulting, customer needs analysis and plan, Implementation method, project coordination, product training. -Experience with relational databases, MS SQL, My SQL Oracle. -Familiar
SQL Server
50K ~ 120K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 天晴資訊有限公司.
上Web 系統專案開發經驗為佳 5. 懂資料存取技術:Entity Framework/Dapper 6. 會撰寫Stored procedure, 熟SQL 語法 7. 熟Oracle、MySQL、MS SQL等,資料庫管理工具 8. 懂HTML、CSHTML、JavaScript、jQuery、AJAX和CSS3 9. 熟 VUE or Angular or React 三選一 10. 熟OOAD, UML 11. 熟
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio
28K ~ 90K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 創科數碼有限公司.
應用 • 熟練mybatis / sql 基礎應用 (sql效能改善能力) • restful api 的 json / ajax 串接設計 • 具 Spring boot、restful (api) 設計經驗者 • 熟悉MySQL, NoSQL (sql效能改善能力) • 熟悉 Mongo / Redis • 熟悉Git / Git Flow版本控制工具 • 大型分散式系統架構之設計與開
spring framework
spring boot
spring cloud
80K ~ 120K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 碩誠國際股份有限公司.
1.熟悉資料庫之語法指令(PL/SQL或T-SQL)執行資料轉換及驗證。 2.熟悉資料庫安裝、設定及操作實務經驗1年以上。(Oracle、MS SQL Server、MySQL至少一種) 3.具備Stored Procedure實務經驗或SSIS實務經驗 4.可獨立或
45K ~ 60K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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