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Logo of 天晴資訊有限公司.
上Web 系統專案開發經驗為佳 5. 懂資料存取技術:Entity Framework/Dapper 6. 會撰寫Stored procedure, 熟SQL 語法 7. 熟Oracle、MySQL、MS SQL等,資料庫管理工具 8. 懂HTML、CSHTML、JavaScript、jQuery、AJAX和CSS3 9. 熟 VUE or Angular or React 三選一 10. 熟OOAD, UML 11. 熟
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio
28K ~ 90K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 創科數碼有限公司.
應用 • 熟練mybatis / sql 基礎應用 (sql效能改善能力) • restful api 的 json / ajax 串接設計 • 具 Spring boot、restful (api) 設計經驗者 • 熟悉MySQL, NoSQL (sql效能改善能力) • 熟悉 Mongo / Redis • 熟悉Git / Git Flow版本控制工具 • 大型分散式系統架構之設計與開
spring framework
spring boot
spring cloud
80K ~ 120K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Electrindo Inti Dinamika.
Responsibilities Developing front-end website architecture. Designing user interactions on web pages. Developing back-end website applications. Creating servers and databases for functionality. Ensuring cross-platform optimization for mobile phones. Ensuring responsiveness of applications. Working alongside graphic designers for web design features. Seeing through a project from conception to finished product. Designing and developing APIs. Meeting both technical and consumer needs. Staying abre
Full Stack Web Development
Full Stack Development
5M ~ 8M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 台灣英特艾倫人力資源有限公司.
續性 5、優化運維解決方案,包括但不限於柔性容災、彈性擴容與防攻擊等 DBA 1、負責管理和維護Tidb、MySQL、Mongo、Redis、ES、Tidb資料庫實例; 2、設計和開發資料庫運維管理工具、制定緩存系統的使用方案; 3、持續改
110K ~ 190K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 碩誠國際股份有限公司.
1.熟悉資料庫之語法指令(PL/SQL或T-SQL)執行資料轉換及驗證。 2.熟悉資料庫安裝、設定及操作實務經驗1年以上。(Oracle、MS SQL Server、MySQL至少一種) 3.具備Stored Procedure實務經驗或SSIS實務經驗 4.可獨立或
45K ~ 60K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 優分析UAnalyze 商拓財經有限公司.
年以上網頁爬蟲經驗 2. 對財經數據有興趣 3. 需有獨立作業能力 【加分項目(非必要)】 1. 熟悉 SQL (MS SQL Server / MySQL 至少一種)、NoSQL 2. 基本的git版本控管流程概念及操作經驗 【目前使用】 Python、PHP、Laravel、ReactJS、MySQL、NoSQL
40K ~ 45K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
STAFF PROGRAMMER Kualifikasi : 1. Laki-laki / Perempuan, Usia Max 30 thn 2. Memiliki e-KTP (bebas domisili dimana) 3. Pendidikan S1 (Informatika, Sistem Informasi, Teknik Komputer, dan sejenisnya) 4. Memiliki Laptop Sendiri 5. Mengerti dan menguasai pemrograman Framework Laravel 6. Mengerti dan memahami Database MySQL dan PostgreSQL 7. Mengerti pemrograman Framework Javascript 8. Mengerti API pada pemrograman web 9. Mengerti Pemrograman Web secara umum 10. Memiliki Smartphone sendiri 11
3M ~ 5M IDR / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 逸志科技.
我們使用 Docker、雲端、Monitor、Rule 打造 FinTech 環境。 使用 Java、Vue、Javascript 來開發,以後將擴展到 Swift、Dart、Kotlin。 Database 使用 Mysql,大量使用 DB 的機制以達到快速 access 與異地備援的機制。 我們正在不停地迭代開發,等你一起大展身手。 Fintech系統運
30K ~ 50K TWD / month
Logo of KSP Mekarsari.
Penempatan : Kantor Pusat (Jakarta Timur) Gaji : Rp. 7 juta atau Nego tiable Kualifikasi : Usia Maksimal 40 tahun Pendidikan minimal Diploma III , S1 lebih diutamakan (System/Teknik Informatika) Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun dibidang System Informasi Mampu men develop atau mengembangkan aplikasi sesuai kebutuhan perusahaan Memahami core banking system dan akuntansi lebih diutamakan Menguasai PHP, Phyton, Java, html, mysql, android dll Menguasai Management database, server dan data center Menjadi ni
7M ~ 8M IDR / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. 8 years of experience in software development, and with data structures/algorithms. 5 years of experience testing and launching software products. 3 years of experience with software design and architecture. Preferred qualifications: Experience with distributed systems concepts, data replication, consistency models, and fault tolerance. Experience with database systems (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL) and SQL. Experience with

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