Cake Job Search

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Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Cake Busi
Business Development
190 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Texas Instruments 德州儀器工業股份有限公司.
▋ 2025暑期實習計畫介紹 在德州儀器Texas Instruments實習的期間,將有專屬學長姐帶領您,體驗快速變動的跨國際工作環境,獲得充足的專業訓練、貼近實務工作的專案實務經驗,並能享用公司各式線上資源
40K+ TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 田茂智能互聯股份有限公司.
後端實習工程師 1. 協助進行後端程式修改與維護。 2. 修改程式文件後,提交維修說明單 3. 在程式上線後,能接續協助工程師進行狀況排除與維護。 4. 協助UI設計師與前端工程師了解系
33K ~ 42K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PenguinSmart 啟兒寶 (信輝健康科技有限公司).
What do you want to do during your school year or vacation? How about changing people's lives and getting exposure to one of the hottest emerging fields in health technology? How about being a part of a global team, working with talented and passionate people worldwide? How about being in the splash zone and witnessing the exciting and meaningful work of one of the Top 50 social impact organizations in Taiwan? We are looking for a Software Engineer Intern
Ruby on Rails
8K ~ 18K TWD / piece rate
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of GoFreight.
你的角色和職責 作為 GoFreight 數據團隊的實習生,您將從事數據管道工程,分析數據集中的趨勢和模式,並提供支持公司數據驅動決策的洞見。我們正在尋找一位思想開放、願意接受新挑戰並為我們充
220 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

Cake Job Search

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