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New Taipei City, Taiwan
Logo of 神腦國際股份有限公司.
管理經驗,有零售業或製造業經驗者尤佳。 2.必須對虛擬化 (如 vmware)、Cloud 維運管理 (如 AWS, Azure, GCP)、網管、資料庫管理 (如 Oracle, PostgreSQL)、User HelpDesk 有管理經驗,對以上領域至少一種以上有嫻熟之實務操作經驗。 3.具備大型
No requirement for relevant working experience
Managing 10-15 staff
Logo of Lilee Systems .
Responsibilities: Design, develop, and maintain the backend components to support our web app and IoT devices. Participate in the software development lifecycle including planning, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Optimize cloud instance resource utilization and troubleshoot issues to improve performance and availability. Take part in code review and testing procedures to help build a robust system. Provide technical support to other teams, including helping troubleshooting and
75K ~ 95K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 永悅健康股份有限公司.
【工作內容】 依據產品需求與規格及功能設計文件規劃測試計劃、測試案例及測試報告 設計與執行功能測試、軟體整合測試、用戶體驗測試、問題追蹤處理 持續追蹤問題處理,並記錄問題重現的方
壓力測試(stress test)
36K ~ 46K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 水星防火工程顧問有限公司.
來做為 SP 與 SP 之間的資料交換與應用,或是用 .NET Core 來與 DB 之間以 JSON 做為資料應用處理,或是對 postgresql 會相關 CURD 等應用 3. 對於 Git Main,Develop, feature, origin 等分類會自我要求與團隊協作的實際項目經驗,不排斥
50K ~ 65K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 仲琦科技股份有限公司.
Golang經驗3年以上,熟悉JSON/RESTful APIs,開發過high concurrency環境 資料庫經驗,SQL或NOSQL,例PostgreSQL、MongoDB,使⽤過Gorm 建立過⼤型擴展分散系統,K8s容器、MQTT、微服務等相關技術 使⽤過AWS相關服務,ElastiCache/EKS等 五年以上軟體開發經驗
47K ~ 80K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of Lilee Systems .
Responsibilities Work closely with development and product teams to develop, review and maintain test plans and testcases, and to validate and build out end to end testing strategies and efforts. Collaborate with developers to analyze feature requirement and implement automation testing. Improve and automate integration, system and regression testing using scripts. Conduct benchmark, perform back-end service testing, data validation testing, performance testing and security services testing. Cus
840K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
No management responsibility

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