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Logo of LINE Taiwan Limited.
Position Description: The TW Customer Care team is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience for our users. Our goal is not only to resolve users' issues and inquiries but also to deliver a "WOW" experience to all LINE users. We are at the forefront of integrating AI technologies to revolutionize customer care, making this an exciting opportunity for AI enthusiasts to apply their skills in a dynamic and impactful environment. Responsibilities: 1. Assist in processing a
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Logitech.
Description Logitech is the Sweet Spot for people who want their actions to have a positive global impact while having the flexibility to do it in their own way. The Team and Role: Are you ready to join a collaborative team and lead the charge in sustainable innovation as a Sustainability Project Leader, driving the development and manufacturing of cutting-edge, eco-friendly gaming peripherals for a global audience. And help save the planet by spearheading the creation
Logo of Acer 宏碁.
1. Comply with corporate IT security policies and manage security projects. 2. Perform project-related tasks and track the progress and status. 3. Facilitate cross-team collaboration and ensure proper documentation.
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
Cake 正在找專案管理、公共關係與政府採購方面的人才!這位夥伴將負責找尋適合與 Cake 合作的公部門相關投標案,撰寫創新且具競爭力的提案,協調內部資源以確保專案順利執行,並與政府機構、基
Social Impact
Project Management
Tender Management
480K ~ 840K TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 偉康科技股份有限公司.
1. 負責產品時程管理,協助團隊成員排除障礙,使產品功能可以如期交付。 2. 與團隊內不同職能人員合作,規劃可行時程,克服技術與進度的挑戰,確保所有成員對於目標以及優先順序的理解
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of awoo阿物科技股份有限公司.
矽谷獨角獸企業家投資,台灣成長最快的 SaaS MarTech Solution 台灣 MarTech 領導品牌 awoo 結合 AI 人工智慧,是台灣成長最快速的 SaaS(Software as a Service)MarTech Solution。2017年獲得種子輪融資,2020年完成 A 輪募資,獲得多位矽谷企業家投資,是
QA Engineer
API Automation
Web testing
900K ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of HakkaTV 客家電視.
📌 工作內容 【關於 SODA (Squad Of Digital Affairs) 數位發展組】 數發組是客台數位轉型的關鍵單位,主責數位媒體的應用與工作流的數位化,正在突破傳統媒體的框架,擁抱創新與導入科技,從應用面 3D, VR 360, AI 到制度
590K ~ 910K TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰健康管理顧問股份有限公司.
【About Us】 歡迎加入「國泰健康管理」!我們是一個充滿活力、追求創新、以數據和科技驅動健康管理變革的團隊!在這裡,你將與一群熱愛科技、關心健康、充滿創造力的夥伴並肩作戰,共同探索智能健康的
System Analysis
700K ~ 1M TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 初版數位內容股份有限公司.
我們正在尋找一位對參與新創公司發展充滿野心的夥伴,誠摯邀請您加入 FANSEE 團隊,作為我們的專案管理專員/專案經理。在這份工作中,您將參與完整的新創產品驗證流程,並與學校單位、縣市政
Microsoft Office
Project Management
34K ~ 55K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Hour Loop 飛輪電商.
團隊,入職後有兩個月針對亞馬遜平台等完整教育訓練。通過考核後依據部門類別晉升或轉任職務。 晉升為 營運部 專案經理(Operation Department - Project Manager) :與業務團隊合作,支援產品後台營運,必備技能是獨立解決問

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