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Logo of VirtualMe  虛擬我.
VirtualMe 是一個專注於個性化 AI 的新創團隊,協助品牌、KOL、偶像建立虛擬分身和故事,打造過往從未有過的粉絲/顧客關係經營體驗,達成關係維護、行銷、提高收益、創造共鳴與話題等商業目標。 我們的客
300 ~ 500 TWD / hour
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of ASML Taiwan 台灣艾司摩爾.
Introduction to the job The Virtual Computing Platform (VCP) is a critical platform that will future-proof ASML’s ability to support customer’s growing data demands, as well as deliver improved insights that drive more predictable performance. VCP runs on customer-owned hardware that brings together all data from ASML scanner and metrology equipment, enabling latest ASML applications and enhancing transparency and collaboration. It is a fab-critical system, as it could take down a customer's
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Proxifile.
We are looking for highly technical individuals with a passion for entrepreneurship. We seek individuals who have the right combination of business acumen, technical ability, and product sense. Our Senior Software Engineers focus on building financial claim management platform and robotic process automation, with a scalable architecture optimized for performance. This team is always at the edge of building and experimenting with specialized user experiences with innovative features. We are a tea
400 ~ 800 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of Công ty Cổ Phần Giáo dục Và Đào tạo Monad Edu.
Tham gia giảng dạy các lớp học môn ICT học sinh hệ Cambridge Dạy lập trình Python và ứng dụng Microbit, cho các bạn cấp 2, cấp 3 (các kiến thức đơn giản) Soạn giáo án, kế hoạch giảng dạy môn ICT- Chương trình Hệ Cambridge . Giảng giải rõ ràng nội dung bài học, giao bài tập và chấm chữa bài tập cho học viên. Đọc và nghiên cứu học liệu được cung cấp, qua đó phát triển
Microsoft Office
15M ~ 30M VND / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of WorldQuant.
想加入量化研究顧問的行列嗎?歡迎在職人士! 報名將於 11 月 21 日 (台北台中) 及 12 月 2 日 (台南) 截止! 探索量化金融的世界並參與由 WorldQuant BRAIN 所舉辦的 2024 Quant Consultant Accelerator Program 量化研究顧問實戰計畫,參與課程成為
python programming
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of TutorABC.
生授課,還能透過各式研習活動與教師社群,讓老師們學習到更多領域知識與教學技巧,快來加入我們,發揮你/妳的教學熱忱! [Job Responsibilities] 1.擔任講師,利用線上教學平台教授Scratch/Python青少兒程式語言
300 ~ 450 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of VirtualMe  虛擬我.
VirtualMe 是一個專注於個性化 AI 的新創團隊,協助品牌、KOL、偶像建立虛擬分身和故事,打造過往從未有過的粉絲/顧客關係經營體驗,達成關係維護、行銷、提高收益、創造共鳴與話題等商業目標。 我們的客
300 ~ 600 TWD / hour
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Dcard 狄卡科技股份有限公司.
Dcard 是在年輕族群有極高滲透率與影響力的社群平台。我們致力於打造一個讓每個人都可以放心分享自己故事的地方,讓平凡人分享不平凡故事的新世代社群服務。我們的用戶來自世界各地,除
Data anomaly detection
210 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Shaughnessy Investment.
Learn how to invest and become a portfolio manager without quitting your full-time day job. We are seeking talented individuals from all fields with a passion for financial markets to manage systematic strategies for US market hours (night time). Systematic strategies include but are not limited to: Quantitative strategies Statistical arbitrage Pair, butterfly trading Convertible bond arbitrage Options strategies Quantifying qualitative data sets, such as financials We provide working structures
50K ~ 90K TWD / month
Logo of 聚典資訊 Ret[AI]ling Data.
【工作內容】 1. 負責公司產品的研發(主要Python) 2. 負責AI軟體與系統化之資料蒐集、設計、程式撰寫、測試、優化與佈署等 3. 依照專案需求建立AI模組並配合純軟或軟硬體整合開發 4. 針對現
AI & Machine Learning
200 ~ 220 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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