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Logo of 康彼斯顧問股份有限公司 | ConBiz Consulting.
職務說明 What you will do 1. 配合 Scrum 團隊規劃時程完成網頁開發與測試,製作符合跨瀏覽器與跨裝置的網頁。 2. 負責智能投資內部系統 (Vue.js 2) 與官網的開發維護。 3. 了解網站檔案結構,與團隊
RESTful Web Services
50K ~ 70K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Rytass Co., Ltd..
About Rytass Rytass provides consulting services and solutions for growing business among brand strategy, creative, software solutions and marketing. From ideas to products, our resilient and skilled team makes a solid pipeline for clients. By full engaged in every single projects, we are more likely to associate with clients to partners, and weave a powerful network. Our Mission For every pioneer business and bold ideas, we have an open approach to different expertise. “To reach the
1.17M ~ 2.54M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 幣護股份有限公司.
關於Aegis Custody 2018 年我們從矽谷起家,2019 年 CEO 在台灣創建了技術團隊進行產品開發,並慢慢發展其他亞洲區域的公司業務。於台北與舊金山設立雙總部,信託部門成立於 South Dakota 與香港,為目前唯一同時持
Unit Test
1M ~ 1.6M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 伊普資訊股份有限公司.
1.架構: Web, Spring Boot 2.框架: Spring Framework, Hibernate 3.版本控管: GIT JD2 具備 3年以上 開發工程師經驗 1.熟JAVA、JPA、Restful api 開發 2. 熟悉 Git、uint test(junit)工具 3.熟SpringBoot 4.熟 MSSQL、Oracle db 5.有API/WebServices串接及開發經驗. 具備
70 ~ 110 TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT Madani Jayantara Indonesia.
Kualifikasi: Memahami model arsitektur 3-tier dan mengembangkan aplikasi berbasis MVC Memahami dasar bahasa pemrograman PHP. Lebih disukai memiliki pengetahuan konsep keamanan aplikasi Menerapkan salah satu PHP MVC framework seperti Laravel, Symfony, Code igniter atau YII Memiliki kemampuan mengakses dan mengelola data dalam RDBMS (MySQL, MariaDB) Diutamakan memahami penerapan RESTful web services dan External Authentication (OAuth, CAS dll) Diutamakan menggunakan GIT dalam pengembangan aplikasi
3M ~ 5M IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 禾力科技股份有限公司.
有 app 工程師密切合作 3. 需要編寫注解並完成測試 4. 需要持續優化代碼 1. You will be responsible to develop and maintain web service, including web/mobile web/in-app webpage, RESTful APIs 2. You will work closely with both front-end developers and app developers 3. You will write self-documented code and complete test
70K ~ 120K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of Shoalter Technology Ltd.英屬維京群島商易貿創投有限公司台灣分公司.
以下為 Web 部門目前的產品線: 【已上線專案,new feature 持續開發中】 All New Web Product ✅HKTV Merchant Management System (MMS) Desktop 商戶管理後台系統,包含 CMS 及文字客服系統。 未來計畫 - 支援手機版本 ✅HKTV 3rd-Party Logistics Services (3PL) Desktop HKTV 集團主推的新服務,讓商
Resful API
45K+ TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 中華電信股份有限公司.
【我們在找AI 智能客服或客服系統、企業資訊系統等軟體規劃設計、開發及介接整合等工作實務經驗的人才】 ※工作內容(視職缺而定): AI 智能或客服應用方案程式設計、開發、測試、建置、維運 專案管理
.NET Core
40K+ TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 17Life_康太數位整合股份有限公司.
開發,熟悉T-SQL基礎,了解NoSQL並有實務應用 。 3. 了解JavaScript 及 jQuery、AJAX應用,基礎CSS網頁​技術應用 。 4. 熟悉Web Service及API概念 。 5. 熟悉RESTful軟體架構 。 6. 掌握程式碼品質及可維護性,並能引導同仁提高程式碼
60K ~ 100K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of KHSoftware Co. Limited 凱竤股份有限公司.
Key for Success: Specialization in Javascript, HTML5, CSS Experience in Responsive & mobile design JavaScript framework such as Angular.js , Vue.js or React.js RESTful service and API from client side (Calling server API from client-side scripts) Key Requirements: • 3+ year experiences of front-end or web application development. • Specialization in Javascript, HTML5, CSS, Front-End Frameworks (ie. Vue, Angular, React), and performing web and mobile design. • Solid mind-set with building
600K ~ 1M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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