Cake Job Search

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Logo of 播樂多娛樂有限公司.
●工作內容: 1.負責網站的SEO優化,包含:關鍵字規劃、內鏈調整、頁面結構、外鏈建設..等。製定優化方案,針對難易度及操作排名所需時間,組織實施方案。 2.對行業熱點和趨勢進行分析,研究、監
CMS Wordpress
40K ~ 55K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
好文字能力編修品牌對外長文 ▪ 定期追蹤市場熱點,並根據自身經驗、觀察提供文章選題 ▪ 具備 SEO 優化基本觀念,能確實在文中落實策略、持續追蹤文章成效並優化、擬定全站 SEO 優化方向 & 方法 【上
Microsoft Office
Google Drive
178 TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 一展數位金融有限公司.
1. 簡單圖片製作(使用工具Illustrator、Adobe Photoshop) 2. SEO文案撰寫(文筆通順,創意文案發想) 3. 社群廣告文案發想製作 4. 網路行銷相關文案製作 5.介紹金融產品文案並融入自己的想法 6. 行銷文案
google drive
32K ~ 38K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Mynavi 台灣邁那比股份有限公司.
▶宣傳企劃人員 日本知名遊戲公司 91035 【職務內容】 1. 負責管理及分配手機遊戲於台港澳的銷售及預算,強調品牌的建立、營銷和維護 2. 向台灣和日本總部的呈現營銷策略和計劃 3. 制定計
SEO strategy
Microsoft Office
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of FLASHOP 閃店.
FLASHOP的團隊正在快速成長中,我們需要一位熟悉電商與SEO的人才加入! 在這個職位上,你將會負責與海外關鍵意見領袖(KOL)和網紅合作,擴大我們品牌的影響力和知名度。你將與我們的團隊密切合作
SEO strategy
Google Analytics
600K ~ 900K TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰健康管理顧問股份有限公司.
本職務採先投、先審、先錄取!對於職缺有興趣的夥伴,歡迎手刀投遞,別錯過機會! 【About Us】 歡迎加入「國泰健康管理」!我們是一個充滿活力、追求創新、以數據和科技驅動健康管理變革的團隊!在這裡,你將與
50K ~ 65K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake.
About Cake Established in 2016 in Taiwan, Cake is an international talent community and platform providing comprehensive solutions for job seekers. By offering AI tools for resumes and portfolios, job search strategies, networking resources, and international job opportunities, Cake meets all needs in career development. With over 7 million users worldwide and collaborations with over 10,000 companies, Cake helps talent find the most suitable place at different stages of their careers. Job Intro
Content Strategy
Content Writing
180M ~ 240M VND / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Outo 奧拓.
We are Outo. We are challenging the status quo of guided travel. With the vision of building the largest semi-independent travel company in the Chinese-speaking market, we are building one of the fastest growing teams in the industry to help our customers to plan less, and travel more. Our growth is powered by the mission that we can innovate on outdated modes of travel, and this mission brought together a concentration of exceptional, driven people
Marketing Strategy
Omnichannel Marketing
Digital Marketing
30K ~ 50K USD / year
5 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 奧范娘子國際有限公司.
你希望在工作上有更多的自主權,更多的機會成功,讓你的努力被看見嗎? 如果你 熟悉社群媒體趨勢,具有洞察力 但在工作上得不到成就感,這邊剛好有一個讓你發揮的職缺! 我們以科學為基礎提
Marketing Strategy
Market Research
28K ~ 50K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 盛和風食集文化有限公司.
▍職務目標: 行銷銷售:年度目的與業績達成 行銷團隊營運:團隊管理與招募,優化制度與流程 ▍工作內容: -年度目的與目標業績達成 -行銷團隊管理與招募 -團隊流程建立與優化 -數位廣告管理投放
Marketing Strategy
Line ads
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff

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