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Mid-Senior level
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. 5 years of experience in product management, with a focus on data integration, data warehousing, or big data technologies. 2 years of experience developing or launching products or technologies within analytics, SQL. Preferred qualifications: Experience with cloud-based data platforms and services (e.g., Google Cloud Platform). Experience with data integration tools and technologies (e.g., ETL/ELT, Apache Spark, Apache
Logo of Google.
Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree or equivalent practical experience. 8 years of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++, Java, JavaScript). 5 years of experience in a technical leadership role; overseeing projects, with 3 years of experience in a people management, supervision/team leadership role. Preferred qualifications: 12 years of relevant industry experience with 5 years of technical leadership or people management experience
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
公司介紹: 我們的客戶是一家領先的金融科技公司,致力於通過數位、數據和技術推動整體轉型。公司正在積極打造數據驅動文化,以成為提供卓越金融服務的科技公司為目標。公司環境開放創新
daya analyst
1.5M ~ 2.2M TWD / year
8 years of experience required
Managing 5-10 staff
Logo of HUNG YANG SOFTWARE TECH. CO., LTD._鴻揚科技有限公司.
《團隊角色》 Java資深工程師,將成為專業團隊中的重要一員,致力於專案開發。透過豐富的專業技能,與團隊共同合作,建立高效率且具擴充性的程式碼架構,創造超越客戶期望的專業顧問價值 《工作
45K ~ 70K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Authme 數位身分股份有限公司.
我們正在尋找後端夥伴一同打造世界級數位身分 SaaS 服務!我們期待人選擁有強大的 .Net 開發背景、對構建高品質產品的熱情以及在快節奏環境中工作的能力。 你將會與Authme優秀的團隊成員協同
SQL Server
.NET Core
backend engineer
1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰綜合證券股份有限公司.
【工作內容】 1.具備實務或規劃經驗,並協調業務單位跨部門或廠商協作,善於溝通、業務需求分析、流程規劃能力,撰寫規劃文件。 2.配合業務發展進行應用系統上,以使用者為中心,開發介面、邏
800K ~ 1.8M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of WageCan台灣.
【工作內容】 ● 開發與前端產品對接的 API Server ● 開發各種 Bot server ● 營運及日常維護 Server 狀態 【工作地點】 新北市捷運頂溪站 【薪資待遇】 台灣 $80,000~$120,000 / Month / 或等值的數位資產,能力優可議 【申請方式】 履歷
80K ~ 120K TWD / month
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of Pickupp Taiwan 皮卡物流科技.
At Pickupp, we heavily rely on data to make decisions. Indeed we believe some of the hard problems here in the technology team can only be solved with the correct data research and model built before our engineers put it into working code. With teams spread across Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Taiwan, you will get to learn working in a uniquely remote team environment. Our business is growing very fast with more of these
1.4M ~ 1.7M TWD / year
No management responsibility
Logo of 台灣之星電信股份有限公司.
1. 行銷議題分析與行銷解決方案之建議,提供行銷數據分析報告 2. 數據分析、挖掘、建模、模式評估等相關工作,並進行模型評估 3. 與使用者及開發人員合作,定義 Report 及 Business Intelligence 需求及規格,參與
Data Analysis
40K ~ 65K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 兆威數位媒體有限公司.
1.熟TSQL 2.能校調SQL效能 3.具有資料規劃能力 4.熟 SQL Server 備份還原機制 5.熟 SQL Server 訂閱機制 6.熟 SQL Server Partition 機制 7.熟 SQL Server 權限控管機制
40K ~ 60K TWD / month

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