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Logo of 創科數碼有限公司.
工作內容 2年以上Java/ JavaScript /C# 及相關框架 CSS / HTML / HTML5程式, 前端網頁應用相關開發經驗 • 熟練 spring framework, spring boot, spring cloud應用 • 熟練mybatis / sql 基礎應用 (sql效能改善能力) • restful api 的 json / ajax 串接設計 • 具 Spring boot、restful (api) 設
spring framework
spring boot
spring cloud
80K ~ 120K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 旺晁有限公司.
1.JavaSpring系統開發及維護 2. 對應產品與服務的需求分析/技術方向&系統架構規劃 3. 良好的溝通, 與產品/測試/運維端合作
+spring boot
+Spring Framework
40K ~ 150K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 台灣英特艾倫人力資源有限公司.
工作內容 1、參與Java後端系統項目開發2、參與Java後端系統的詳細設計 3、負責分析解決生產相關技術問題 條件需求1、5年以上後台Java開發和項目實施經驗 2、熟悉spring boot,spring cloud alibaba等開發框架 3、熟
Java Concurrency API
Spring cloud ,Spring MVC、Spring Boot、Mybatis
90K ~ 130K TWD / month
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 晧飛思科技股份有限公司.
1. 設計、開發和維護後端AI相關後端應用 2. 與前端工程師、產品經理或設計師協作 3. 確保Web Application的性能、可擴展性達到一定水準 4. 0到1的產品服務建置 5. 參與AIGC 相關專案
Spring Boot
1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MEXC.
1、參與核心交易系統(訂單清算)設計及研發工作,深入理解全鏈路業務需求,能夠主導核心技術方案和系統設計,並完成核心代碼的研發工作; 2、願意接受海量數據挑戰(7*24交易系統)及服務高可
Spring Boot
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
全遠端機會 前線遊戲知名品牌 🪗🥁 🏁 2023 下半年度 系統團隊RD 增員中!! 技術挑戰者優先選擇 ✨ , 1+1 > 2 🫶 兩人組隊(Senior+Junior)開發協作 🌐 💫 主要產品為線上遊戲及APP客制化代工開發,是年輕有衝
Spring Boot
1.1M ~ 2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 智匯宙斯有限公司.
■ 工作內容 □ 分析並設計遊戲系統與 API 服務 □ 撰寫單元測試、整合測試確保功能正確 □ 設計並撰寫分佈式運算服務 □ 公開 Review 同事的程式 □ 自動化部署與維護 □ 對現有設計提出改善意見
Spring Boot
Logo of OpenNet 開網有限公司.
Key Responsibilities ● Work with product owners and other development team members to determine new features and user stories needed in new/revised applications or large/complex development projects ● Participate in code reviews with peers and managers to ensure that each increment adheres to original vision as described in the user story and all standard resource libraries and architecture patterns as appropriate ● Respond to trouble/support calls for applications in production in order to make
Spring Boot
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Verint.
Job description: Participate in analysis and design sessions often involving the architect group and product management team. Develop high-quality, robust and scalable API and adaptors to external systems with an agreed time scale. Communicate status, risk and issue to tech lead. Mentoring and involve in code review for a junior team member.
Spring Boot
6 ~ 10 IDR / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT Madani Jayantara Indonesia.
Job description Merancang dan membangun backend aplikasi menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java Membuat pengujian terhadap aplikasi baru maupun yang sudah ada. Bekerja dengan sumber data database dan API untuk membangun aplikasi. Berkolaborasi dengan tim lainnya Melakukan perbaikan dan pengembangan terhadap aplikasi yang sudah ada Mencari, evaluasi, dan mengimplementasi teknologi baru #VCF2023
3M ~ 5M IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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