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Logo of Qualcomm 高通半導體.
Qualcomm provides complete chipset solution that includes CPU, Modem, Application Processor, Multi-media engines, Interconnect and more. Power and performance are a key area that drives the value of our chips. As fabrication technology node shrinks, and performance requirement become higher, it is crucial to provide power and performance optimized solutions, which is the responsibility of the group that you will be working in.
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 家樂福_家福股份有限公司.
主責行動裝置應用系統穩定運行,並提供使用者技術支援。 • 透過電子郵件和線上通訊軟體迅速回應並解決使用者日常作業的問題,調閱使用者操作歷程,進行問題根本原因分析,並提出解決方案
Database Schema
32K ~ 45K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Qualcomm 高通半導體.
To join Qualcomm Customer Engineering team and work with leading WoS (Windows on Snapdragon) IOT device makers from design & develop to commercially launching excitement or new Qualcomm IOT SoC products. Customer engineering in this role shall offer PCIe technical support under KMD, debugging on Qualcomm IOT products on Win11.
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 沃島生活文化股份有限公司.
⦂ |Join us ! We’re hiring! 夥伴募集中| ‌ |about Nul Taipei | Nul Taipei 陪伴大家走過了4年的歷程, 新的年度更多的計畫即將發生! ‌ Nul Taipei 結合多元的創作能量,開展出餐點.雞尾酒.音樂.活動之間。 期許成為城市裡富有創造力的集
32K ~ 40K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 帆宣系統科技Marketech International Corp..
【 Our Vision 】 Because of the shortage of radiologists in worldwide, there are many people who lose their lives. We want to provide quality medical care to them. By using AI, we are providing a way to diagnose diseases rapidly on-site and in early stage! Our company are providing medical equipment with embedded AIs in worldwide such as a mobile X-ray machine! Right now, we are saving many people’s lives using our AI-embedded medical
c++ programming
50K ~ 75K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of The Council on International Educational Exchange.
Who you are: In collaboration with/under the supervision of the Center Director, the Academic Manager/Academic Director leads the coordination, quality assurance, and planning of all courses and educational programming. The position is responsible for instructor staffing, finalization of syllabi, the course evaluation process, and program development. The Academic Manager/Academic Director is also available to teach courses in their area of expertise. More generally, it is the job of the Academi
Microsoft Office
1M ~ 1.3M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 多方科技股份有限公司.
工作職責 (Responsibilities): Build & innovate on high-speed analog/mixed-signal circuits such as PCIe/DDR/HDMI... transmitter and receiver in deep sub-micron CMOS technology for integration in SoC products. Work with digital team on specification definition Create behavior model for analog/digital evaluation Compliance test for SerDes IP
2.5M ~ 4.5M TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 多方科技股份有限公司.
網路攝影機及相關產品的演算法設計、開發和驗證: 1、了解 Linux 系統架構 2、設計 Intelligent Audio-Video Analysis / AI 相關演算法 3、實做 Intelligent Audio-Video Analysis / AI 相關程式庫 4、系統效能分析和最佳化 必須條件 (Minimum Qualifications): 1、電機、資訊相
Machine Learning
1M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 必立弗台湾股份有限公司.
Job Description As Digital Marketing Manager in Taiwan, you will plan, implement, track and optimize digital marketing campaigns across digital channels for Believe’s local brand and key artists. · Plan scalable ad-purchase campaigns, including but not limited to Spotify Ads, Google Ads, Social Media Ads via relevant local channels, to enhance the presence of Believe key partners in the Taiwan market. · Point of execution and collaboration with local vendor and external marketing partners · Meas
600K ~ 900K TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of The Council on International Educational Exchange.
Who You Are We are looking for a passionate and enthusiastic Program Coordinator to join our dynamic team. As a Program Coordinator, you will support the Centre Director in coordinating the development and delivery of student services at our Global Institute. Your role will include the coordination of pre-departure and on-site orientation, farewells, program excursions, volunteer and internship opportunities, cultural and social activities, and the implementation of CIEE health, safety, and secu
600K ~ 720K TWD / year
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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