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Logo of Nahimic/SteelSeries.
Senior Software Engineer in Taipei Employment Type: Permanent Contract JOB DESCRIPTION SteelSeries is a leader in gaming peripherals focused on quality, innovation and functionality, and the fastest growing major gaming headset brand globally. Founded in 2001, SteelSeries improves performance through first-to-market innovations and technologies that enable gamers to play harder, train longer, and rise to the challenge. SteelSeries is a pioneer supporter of competitive gaming tournaments and eSpo
1.2M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
Logo of NXP Semiconductors Taiwan Ltd. 台灣恩智浦半導體股份有限公司.
***Please upload English resume onto our official platform: Job Description NXP Global Sales & Marketing (GSM) is the Go-to-Market organization for NXP’s business units. We own the customer relationships and thus ensures customers’ needs are met and NXP growth ambitions are achieved by identifying and
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Insider.
You’ll be the face of Insider to our clients! You’ll be the bridge between their needs and our technology Help our clients understand their needs and which of our features and products best match their goals and expectations Make sure our clients are utilizing our technology at their best so that we can fully provide them our world-class service. You’ll monitor and facilitate the customer's adoption of our technology Work with our data-geeks
30K ~ 40K TWD / month
Logo of 沃島生活文化股份有限公司.
⦂ |Join us ! We’re hiring! 夥伴募集中| ‌ |about Nul Taipei | Nul Taipei 陪伴大家走過了4年的歷程, 新的年度更多的計畫即將發生! ‌ Nul Taipei 結合多元的創作能量,開展出餐點.雞尾酒.音樂.活動之間。 期許成為城市裡富有創造力的集
33K ~ 38K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 國泰飯店觀光事業_和逸飯店_慕軒飯店_國泰商旅股份有限公司.
1. 機房、伺服器、網路設備之設定、管理、維護等工作。 2. 處理飯店諮詢服務及狀況排除。 3. 使用單位電腦問題與網路故障之排除。 4. 系統使用者之管理與權限設定。 5. 依據規範進行定期系
34K ~ 50K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 必立弗台湾股份有限公司.
1. Label Sourcing, Negotiation, and Management · Support and execute overall sales initiative · Effectively source and manage internal CRM dashboard · Lead complex sales negotiation with logical approach · Analyze and track sales performance of key label clients 2. Services execution and management of a portfolio of artists · Manage client portfolio and monitor sales activities · Coordinate with cross-functional teams including but not limited to platform relations, video services, support and c
700K ~ 900K TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 沃島生活文化股份有限公司.
⦂ |Join us ! We’re hiring! 夥伴募集中| ‌ |官 Nul Taipei | Nul Taipei 陪伴大家走過了4年的歷程, 新的年度更多的計畫即將發生! ‌ Nul Taipei 結合多元的創作能量,開展出餐點.雞尾酒.音樂.活動之間。 期許成為城市裡富有創造力的集
37K ~ 45K TWD / month
4 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 台北萬豪酒店_Taipei Marriott Hotel_宜華國際股份有限公司.
想加入世界最大國際飯店集團【萬豪國際集團】旗下「台北萬豪酒店」的一員嗎? 學校所學是否對於未來工作有所幫助? 「實習」會是個很棒的開始! 實習期間:至少6個月。 餐飲外場實習單位: Garden Kitchen、Lobby Lounge、Kouma日
31K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 台北中山雅樂軒酒店 Aloft Taipei Zhongshan.
1.傳票立帳與相關憑證覆核 2.月結、年度結帳及科餘表 3.各明細分類帳與總帳勾稽 4.合併財務報表及損益分析 5.各類所得及營業稅申報 6.銷項調節表編列 7.其他主管交辦
35K ~ 38K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 台北中山雅樂軒酒店 Aloft Taipei Zhongshan.
1.房客諮詢服務及處理排房事宜,如:訂房、進房、退房等。 2.顧客關係處理,協助客人處理入住期間各項事宜,抗壓性高。 3.具服務熱忱及溝通協調能力。 4.其他主管交辦事項。 5.交通津貼、績
33K ~ 36K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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