Cake Job Search

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Nangang District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Logo of 中磊電子股份有限公司.
We are looking for a Recruiter with full-cycle recruiting experience, from talent sourcing and attracting candidates to interviewing and hiring great talents. What does a Recruiter do? A successful recruiter will collaborate with department managers on a regular basis and proactively identify future hiring needs. You should also be able to attract candidates using various sources, like social media networks and employee referrals. Our ideal recruiter holds an academic HR background combined with
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 陽光伏特家.
【認識我們】 陽光伏特家是台灣第一個也是目前規模最大的全民電廠平台(太陽能電廠),同時,我們也是台灣第一間取得再生能源售電業執照的能源業者。協助國內大、中、小型企業取得綠電,進而迎
Employer Branding
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility

Cake Job Search

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