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Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan
Logo of Platinum International Consultants Ltd..
PLATINUM group has been playing a leading role. We offer transparency career development. In such, you can leverage your experience and grow your career with us. We are recruiting for a talented candidate who is eager to succeed! Location: Taipei (Neihu) or Hsinchu (near science park) 1. Sourcing and attracting candidates 2. Conduct interviews and filtering candidates for open positions 3. Screen candidates' resumes and job applications 4. Researching updated sourcing techniques 5
35K ~ 60K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of AIFIAN.
About AIFIAN AIFIAN is at the forefront of transforming real-world asset investment globally. Our mission is to democratize access to smart investment opportunities, leveraging advanced technology to bridge traditional finance and modern accessibility. Following our successful soft launch in Taiwan in 2023, focusing on the burgeoning market of liquor investments, we've captured significant enthusiasm. As we prepare to scale our operations internationally, we're expanding our team to champion AIF
Talent Acquisition
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Platinum International Consultants Ltd..
職位類型: 人資招募專員 Talent Acquisition Specialist 工作時間:上班時間 8:45~10:00 下班時間 17:45~19:00 (滿9小時, 內含午休時間1小時15分) 你將參與的職務內容: 全程參與公司內部招募流程,從主動聯繫人選、安排面試
30K ~ 36K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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