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A Little About Us Poseidon Network aims to build the most cost-effective cloud services by collecting and redistributing idle resources from P2P devices. We welcome people from all backgrounds who seek the opportunity to help build a future where everyone can use cost-effective, secure, self-managed cloud services. If you have the curiosity, passion, and collaborative spirit, work with us, and let’s move the world forward, together. Get to Know the Role 此次
200 ~ 400 TWD / hour
No management responsibility
Logo of 崴拓資訊有限公司 Wit Software Ltd..
★崴拓資訊積極尋找軟體業界優秀人才,只要您願意一同加入向上發展,絕對提供您高於業界的薪資福利★ 【職務說明】 1.負責公司產品的技術運營維護工作,保障產品整體效能與服務可用度
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 新數字有限公司.
工作內容: 1. 熟悉CI/CD自動化運維之解決方案(Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Ansible, Terraform ) 2. 熟悉基於雲端服務(Aliyun/AWS/GCP)之雲端解決方案 3. 熟悉任一版本之Linux(Centos, Ubuntu, SUSE...etc)之系統管理、調校管理 4. 熟悉容器
900K ~ 1.8M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
同、溝通開發,並確實掌握開發時效及品質。 使用的技術: 熟悉Python/Django。 擅長Rest/Socket/ORM。 具備Git版本控制能力。 熟悉Ubuntu部署,例如Server/Nginx/MySQL。 具備第三方身份驗證及授權相關開發經驗。 具備RWD開發能力。
600K ~ 900K TWD / year
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Advantech 研華科技.
/逆向思維 , 譬如能舉一反三或是反向思考 【嵌入式軟體測試工程師】@林口 ▊工作內容 1. Windows/Ubuntu系統功能測試、整合測試、壓力測試 2. 應用軟體功能測試、整合測試、壓力測試 3. 驅動程式功
Logo of Canonical.
Our flagship product in IoT, Ubuntu Core, is unique . It is Linux reinvented for optimal reliability, security and footprint. Our customers come from a wide variety of industries - Automotive, Customer Electronics, Medical Devices, Industrial Systems, Robotics, Gateways, and so many more - but they all have this in common: they strive to meet stringent quality and security requirements. To cope with our rapid expansion, we are looking to expand our team of Field Engineers in the Devices division
6K ~ 14K USD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 水星防火工程顧問有限公司.
路或網路設備異常處理。 - 管理站台與網域的防火牆設定。 5.NAS維護 - 異地備份狀況確認。 6.公司資產資料更新與維護 加分項目: PostgreSQL, MongoDB, InfluxDB... 資料庫 MQTT, SignalR... 通訊協定 CentOS, Ubuntu... 作業系統。
40K ~ 50K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 玩藝國際股份有限公司.
框架主要使用CodeIgniter 或熟悉其他framework如Laravel也可以 ⦿ 具備Git版控能力,公司使用GitHub ⦿ 基本Linux概念,伺服器使用Ubuntu放置於AWS ⦿ MySQL資料庫使用經驗 ⦿ 具備網頁程式開發基本技能如HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery,需能和前端工程
40K ~ 60K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 羅爾科技有限公司.
API。 5. 熟練使用requests及selenium進行網路爬蟲程式開發。 6. 能夠看懂PHP程式碼,簡單修改設定。 7. 熟悉Ubuntu操作,能透過指令進行操作。 8. 能夠進行系統部屬,了解Apache網頁伺服器設定方式。 9. 了解DOMAIN原
38K ~ 50K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of SkyREC.
【工作內容】 1. 測試項目撰寫/執行 2. 檢驗軟體穩定性測試及性能驗證 3. 規劃測試案例 【職務需求】 1. 作業系統基本操作(Windows, ubuntu) 2. 具備基礎網路概念 (TCP/IP、DNS) 3. 系統分析與問題追
180+ TWD / hour
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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