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Logo of Horus Technology Indonesia.
Kualifikasi: Mahasiswa aktif atau Fresh Graduate jurusan Teknik Informatika / Teknologi Informasi / Sistem Informatika / Ilmu Komputer Domisili area Yogyakarta/Bersedia ditempatkan di Yogyakarta Menguasai minimal salah satu bahasa pemrograman (PHP/PYTHON/JAVA/VueJS) Menguasai DBMS MySQL dan Postgree Jujur dan memiliki kemauan untuk terus belajar Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim Memiliki kemampuan problem solving yang baik Memiliki analytical thinking yang baik
500K ~ 1M IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of OpenNet 開網有限公司.
If You ● Are passionate about new technology, prefer clean code and are able to work independently ● Have a strong understanding of Javascript ● Have great communication skills Key Responsibilities ● Develop mobile-first frontends in VueJS ● Focus on performance and user experience ● Create frontends for the backend management systems ● Participate in code reviews with peers and managers to ensure that each increment adheres to original vision as described in the user story and all standard
899K ~ 1.8M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 配維斯有限公司.
【工作內容】 專案開發 開發環境 : PHP 前端開發 : Laravel, VueJS 前後端介接 : WebAPI 資料庫 :MySQL
50K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 配維斯有限公司.
【工作內容】 專案開發 開發環境 : PHP 前端開發 : Laravel, VueJS 前後端介接 : WebAPI 資料庫 :MySQL
40K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
工作內容: 與設計團隊共同合作開發網站平台。 開發操作流暢的網頁介面 (VueJS + Nuxt) 維護與改善現有系統之功能 (Laravel)。 開發API,提供前端功能的串接。
50K ~ 70K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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