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Logo of 禮品購 - 禮品客製.
Designing Themes & UI with best practices Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin
Wordpress Developer
5M ~ 9M IDR / mes
No requirement for relevant working experience
Sin responsabilidad de gestión
Logo of Medals Award.
Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin Medals Award | Customized gifts
Wordpress Development
WordPress Website Building
5M ~ 9M IDR / mes
2 years of experience required
Gestión de personal: sin especificar
Logo of 禮品紅 Red Gift.
1. WordPress + WooCommerce +Plugins 架設、維護及數據串接。 2. SEO 優化,包含:關鍵字部署規劃、內部連結調整、頁面結構、外部鏈結建設...等,提升 GOOGLE 自然排名。 3. 具 PHP , Java 程式開發能力。 4. 此職缺可能轉為正職,兼
Wordpress Web Design
WordPress Developer
Wordpress Development
13K ~ 29K TWD / tarifa por pieza
1 years of experience required
Sin responsabilidad de gestión
Logo of 專注科技系統有限公司.
專注科技系統有限公司 我們是資訊服務公司 服務對象為中小企業 業務性質包含 網站建置、客製程式開發、Wordpress網站建置... 等 工作內容 使用Wordpress建置網站/活動網站 需熟悉 HTML/CSS 樂於學習 製
30K ~ 40K TWD / mes
1 years of experience required
Sin responsabilidad de gestión
Logo of 點子數位科技有限公司.
容: 1.與UI/UX設計師、後端工程師、PM等相關人員合作,開發網頁前端互動功能與效果。 2.熟稔Wordpress各項操作,並會使用elementor切板架站。 3.具備RWD概念與實務經驗。 4.具良好理解力及溝通協調能
35K ~ 40K TWD / mes
No requirement for relevant working experience
Sin responsabilidad de gestión
Logo of Công Ty TNHH Truyền Thông SEOVIP.
- Lập trình được Theme, Plugin trên WordPress. - Chịu trách nhiệm phát triển Thiết kế Website, Landing Page, .... - Chuyển giao diện từ PSD sang HTML. - Có khả năng Responsive Design (desktop, tablet, mobile) - Nắm rõ quy chuẩn về màu sắc, khoảng cách, Layout,... - Biết sáng tạo hình ảnh minh họa, infographic,... - Chỉnh sửa thiết kế theo feedback của khách hàng.
8M ~ 15M VND / mes
1 years of experience required
Gestión de 5-10 personas
Logo of 獵酒人有限公司.
意玩出新的產業規則! 工作內容 1.依品牌CIS製作電商平台網頁及活動頁面視覺設計(我們使用Wordpress Elementor Pro操作) 2.社群內容及廣告素材美編設計(FB/IG/Line/GDN/EDM),熟悉社群製圖尺寸與規範
adobe after effects
5K ~ 20K TWD / tarifa por pieza
3 years of experience required
Sin responsabilidad de gestión
Logo of Creative Ventures Lab 玉山國際加速器廣告有限公司.
【CVL 的 Shopify 品牌電商前端設計師】 你將會與AM/PM/Dev共同討論如何為客戶需求提供電商解決方案 須執行規畫網站Sitemap/利用figma繪製網站Wireframe/編輯外觀CSS程式碼/網站設計Mockup 配合團隊彈性調
30K ~ 40K TWD / mes
Sin responsabilidad de gestión
Logo of PT. Bina Bisnis Megacomputindo.
Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin
Wordpress Development
4M ~ 7M IDR / mes
3 years of experience required
Sin responsabilidad de gestión
Logo of SearchingC 港商 跨境創意首發平台.
所需之英文溝通 【Preferred Qualifications】 有粵語基礎或本身是香港人 懂HTML, CSS, JavaScript等網頁前端設計、排版與製作 有規劃及撰寫文案等行銷經歷 (如管理過粉絲團或社群媒體小編) 熟悉WordPress 外掛及版型功能 曾建構 data visualizations, dashboa
Visual Design
33K ~ 42K TWD / mes
Sin responsabilidad de gestión

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