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Logo of Medals Award.
Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin Medals Award | Customized gifts
Wordpress Development
WordPress Website Building
5M ~ 9M IDR / month
2 years of experience required
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of 禮品紅 Red Gift.
1. WordPress + WooCommerce +Plugins 架設、維護及數據串接。 2. SEO 優化,包含:關鍵字部署規劃、內部連結調整、頁面結構、外部鏈結建設...等,提升 GOOGLE 自然排名。 3. 具 PHP , Java 程式開發能力。 4. 此職缺可能轉為正職,兼
Wordpress Web Design
WordPress Developer
Wordpress Development
13K ~ 29K TWD / piece rate
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT. Bina Bisnis Megacomputindo.
Designing and implementing new features and functionality Establishing and guiding the website’s architecture Ensuring high-performance and availability, and managing all technical aspects of the CMS Helping formulate an effective, responsive design and turning it into a working theme and plugin
Wordpress Development
4M ~ 7M IDR / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of PT Mandiri Arti Studio.
🏢 Welcome to PT. Mandiri Arti Studio PT. Mandiri Ari Studio is a trusted partner for small businesses and corporates seeking to elevate their online presence. We specialize in crafting exceptional websites by developing custom WordPress plugins. With our expertise, we empower businesses to thrive in the digital landscape, delivering tailored solutions that make a lasting impact. 🌟 Key Responsibility On this role, you will be responsible to : Plugin Development: Develop and maintain custom WordPr
Wordpress Customisation
Plugin Development
WordPress Website Development
3M ~ 4M IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
Managing staff numbers: not specified
Logo of 揚光國際有限公司.
PowerBank Limited Our company is a start-up fintech company whose mission is to make the best of modern investing accessible for the average investment consumer in China. We are based in Hong Kong and led by an experienced international team. 【公司介绍】PowerBank 我們是一家新興的金融科技公司,總部設在香港,由經驗豐富的國際團隊領導
Web Developer
180 TWD / hour
Logo of 瘋傳數位股份有限公司.
作。 您將協助維護專案進度,且確保對的時間完成對的事情。 您將協助與合作夥伴間的溝通,且確保專案正確的進行。 加分條件: 擁有平面設計、行銷文案、課程教案等製作經驗。 熟悉Canva、Notion、WordPress等數位工具。
336K ~ 720K TWD / year
3 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of 康祥健康顧問有限公司.
如果你是對於健康、體態改善有興趣,並且也非常想要幫助身邊朋友加強飲食觀念, 讓身邊的人都可以更健康,體態更好,但是總覺得說服的過程很吃力, 那我歡迎你加入我們團隊! 我們團隊一直都
Email Marketing
33K ~ 38K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of View Source (尋根究底).
At View Source, we leverage our team’s diverse cross-cultural and interdisciplinary experience to offer businesses innovative ideas, refined designs, and expert programming to create stunning web experiences. Our work enhances brand value and fosters meaningful connections between businesses and their markets. We encourage creative freedom, embrace diversity, and cultivate a work environment centered around openness, learning, and sharing. We believe the value of a developer lies not only in mee
Frontend Development
Web Development
780K ~ 1.1M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of View Source (尋根究底).
At View Source, we leverage our team’s diverse cross-cultural and interdisciplinary experience to offer businesses innovative ideas, refined designs, and expert programming to create stunning web experiences. Our work enhances brand value and fosters meaningful connections between businesses and their markets. We encourage creative freedom, embrace diversity, and cultivate a work environment centered around openness, learning, and sharing. We believe the value of a developer lies not only in mee
Frontend Development
Web Development
1.1M ~ 2.14M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Impact.
Perform on-site website and content optimization in line with SEO best practices. Research & discover SEO metrics from similar businesses (ranks, inbound links, content topics, formats, and distribution, exposure and diversification, on-page optimization, etc.) Provide content recommendations and manage content writers to produce quality content.
1 IDR / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility

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