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Logo of Qualcomm.
To join Qualcomm Customer Engineering team and work with leading WoS (Windows on Snapdragon) IOT device makers from design & develop to commercially launching excitement or new Qualcomm IOT SoC products. Customer engineering in this role shall offer PCIe, USB and ethernet technical support under KMD, debugging on Qualcomm IOT products on Win11.
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Qualcomm.
To join Qualcomm Customer Engineering team and work with leading WoS (Windows on Snapdragon) IOT device makers from design & develop to commercially launching excitement or new Qualcomm IOT SoC products.
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Qualcomm.
To join Qualcomm Customer Engineering team and work with leading WoS (Windows on Snapdragon) IOT device makers from design & develop to commercially launching excitement or new Qualcomm IOT SoC products. Customer engineering in this role shall offer PCIe technical support under KMD, debugging on Qualcomm IOT products on Win11.
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cathay United Bank 國泰世華商業銀行.
※職涯路徑將安排外派海外據點,具外派意願者佳 ◆ OBU業務支援ARM 1. 撰寫及維護海外暨OBU授信案之新、增、展、變需求與協助執行前述案件之年審及期中檢視。 2. 協助溝通與執行海外分/子
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 安泰商業銀行股份有限公司.
1. 協助客戶關係經理(RM)完成授信相關事務,確保案件順利撥貸。 2. 協助客戶關係經理(RM)拓展法人金融相關業務。 3. 確保所製作之案件相關文件符合法令規定及相關作業規範。 4. 績效及
32K ~ 42K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 新光銀行.
1.執行徵信調查,撰寫徵信報告,以確保徵信報告之公正客觀。 2.檢視並彙整授信戶營運及財務狀況,提供正確信用及產業資料,以供授信審查與覆審之參考並確保授信品質。 3.追蹤授信戶
38K ~ 45K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 新光銀行.
1.執行徵信調查,撰寫徵信報告,以確保徵信報告之公正客觀。 2.檢視並彙整授信戶營運及財務狀況,提供正確信用及產業資料,以供授信審查與覆審之參考並確保授信品質。 3.追蹤授信戶
38K ~ 45K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Dylantek.
工作內容: 1. 負責電力電子與測試量測儀器設備等相關之韌體設計與開發。 2. 使用 MCU或ARM開發設計.通訊界面,如:LAN/USB/GPIB/RS-232/RS-485/CAN Bus/IIC等,使用數位信號處理技術與Embedded Linux作
embedded system
50K ~ 100K TWD / month
Logo of 品遠有限公司.
軟體開發類:熟對講機系統或ARM LINUX 編程設計 對於硬體有概念能獨立作業維護及開發ARM
50K ~ 70K TWD / month
Logo of LITEON_光寶科技股份有限公司.
"資訊及消費性電子事業群 專注於電源模組產品,包含筆電變壓器、PC電源供應器、工業電源解決方案、LED驅動器、PD充電器。低能耗、高效率、長壽命是光寶產品的代名詞,成為驅動世界的動力是我們
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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