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Logo of 金箍棒智慧物業管理顧問股份有限公司.
職務描述: 以支援網站、應用程式或其他軟體的順利運作,開發高效、可靠且具有良好使用者體驗的後端系統。 職務目的: 負責處理和管理伺服器端的程式邏輯、資料庫操作和API集成等核心功能。 主要
50K ~ 120K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of 大樂資訊股份有限公司.
★★★者請至104投遞履歷加速處理★★★ 1. 具Node.js express 開發經驗 2. RDBMS 關聯式資料庫(MySQL)開發經驗 3. RESTful API 開發經驗 4. 使用 AWS 服務經驗 (EC2, S3) 5. 熟悉類Unix 開發環境 6. 使用Git,Bitbucket 等等的開發與
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 快閃麥佳國際購物股份有限公司.
★★★意者請至104投遞履歷加速處理★★★ 1. 具Node.js express 開發經驗 2. RDBMS 關聯式資料庫(MySQL)開發經驗 3. RESTful API 開發經驗 4. 使用 AWS 服務經驗 (EC2, S3) 5. 熟悉類Unix 開發環境 6. 使用Git,Bitbucket 等等的開發
Node.js / Express.js
40K ~ 80K TWD / month
1 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of  FreshQ Inc Taiwan.
FreshQ is disrupting the industry by providing an online ordering platform that connects Restaurants, Customers, and Supply Chains into an ecosystem. FreshQ is seeking a Backend Development Engineer. The candidate will have the opportunity to design, build, test, maintain, and have a direct and meaningful impact on the roadmap of the company's digital platform. You will be responsible for the design and development of backend components of the highly scalable eCommerce mobile & web application.
50K ~ 150K TWD / month
No management responsibility
Logo of 英屬維京群島商幫你優股份有限公司台灣分公司.
PaGamO 素養學習致力於讓孩子「一起學、更願意學、學得更好」,讓學生可以在 PaGamO 學習平台透過遊戲的方式豐富學習,廣泛運用於生活情境的觀察與思考,陪伴孩子養成良好的閱讀習慣以及長遠的自主學
Backend Development
Ruby on Rails
1M ~ 1.5M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Responsibilities】 開發與維護 AI 醫療影像產品 資料庫的設計與優化 與資料科學家合作,部署 AI 模型,並將推論功能整合進臨床、研究的工作流程中 建置基於 Docker Compose 跟 Kubernetes 的部署工具
Backend Development
Computer Vision
1.2M ~ 1.8M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 豈止數位設計有限公司.
Backend Development
40K ~ 55K TWD / month
No requirement for relevant working experience
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Company Highlights】 🫧 AI-oriented startup aims to build and deploy Conversational AI products 🫧 Diverse team with strong skill sets and cross-national exposure 🫧 Fully-remote working environment and flexible company culture 【Responsibilities】 Write reusable, testable, and efficient code. Design and implement low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications. Integrate user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic. Implement security and data protection
Backend Development
800K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Foreign Professional Talent Recruitment in Taiwan.
【Company Highlights】 🫧 AI-oriented startup aims to build and deploy Conversational AI products 🫧 Diverse team with strong skill sets and cross-national exposure 🫧 Fully-remote working environment and flexible company culture 【Responsibilities】 Write reusable, testable, and efficient code. Design and implement low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications. Integrate user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server-side logic. Implement security and data protection
Backend Development
800K ~ 1.2M TWD / year
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
【Company Highlights】 💫 Aiming to provide reliable, faster, and safer CDN streaming solutions 💫 Well -developed product with certain visibility in several APAC countries 【Responsibilities】 Design, develop, and maintain scalable backend systems using Golang with a primary focus on advanced CDN integration. Architect and implement robust, high-performance APIs and microservices, optimizing for CDN-based content delivery. Collaborate with cross-functional teams together requirements and translate th
Backend Development
1.6M ~ 2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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