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Logo of TRON DAO.
Job Responsibilities: 1. Participate in front-end project architecture design and page development to ensure system maintainability and scalability. 2. Implement Web3 protocol interaction functions and develop user-friendly decentralised applications (DApp). 3. Participate in requirements and technical solution review, communicate effectively with production and research colleagues to ensure delivery quality.
#JavaScript #HTML #CSS #jQuery #VueJS #Git #AJAX
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
6 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of TRON DAO.
Job Responsibilities: 1. Design and implement distributed systems with high throughput and tens of millions of active users. 2. Public chain related R&D. 3. Architecture design.
1.5M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
4 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 燦通國際諮詢有限公司.
各大小活動演講、創投路演、客戶關係管理與對接、2B與2C對客戶開發及商談。 核心能力要求: 1、對於Blockchain&web3賽道有一定程度了解,尤其是RWA賽道; 2、個人形象與表達能力佳,能夠獨當一面作為專案代表
35K ~ 80K TWD / month
2 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of 德仁管理顧問有限公司.
您對加密市場有敏銳洞察,擁有卓越的溝通技巧,以及豐富的數位行銷成功經驗,例如成功提升開戶數、入金量或交易量等重要指標 (KPI)。加入我們,您將成為推動品牌成長的重要力量! 職責: 全面行銷
800K ~ 1.5M TWD / year
6 years of experience required
Managing 1-5 staff
Logo of Rooit Inc. (XO App).
#English description below 我們是一個在2019年成立,正處於擴張階段的新創團隊,目前全球用戶約一百五十萬人,2024的我們正努力向服務推向國際、服務更多的用戶,因此急需優秀的你來一起協助我們完成目標。 在
100K ~ 150K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of MaiCoin.
工作內容 MAX 交易所與 MaiCoin 平台總共提供 18 種不同區塊鏈與 74 種數位貨幣的出入金服務,我們的團隊將主要負責提供 MAX 交易所與 MaiCoin 平台中的用戶錢包服務需求。目前,部分區塊鏈技術是串接外部
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of BTSE.
彼特思方舟 is a specialized service provider dedicated to delivering a full spectrum of front-office and back-office support solutions, each of which are tailored to the unique needs of global financial technology firms. 彼特思方舟 is engaged by BTSE Group to offer several key positions, enabling the delivery of cutting-edge technology and tailored solutions that meet the evolving demands of the fintech industry in a competitive global market. About
Logo of MaiCoin.
工作內容 開發錢包服務系統: Qubic 開發 NFT 開店工具 Qubic Creator 福利與環境 13" Macbook + 27" 大螢幕 隨時補充滿滿的零食與飲料 不定期辦公室聚餐與教育訓練 開放式管理風格與舒適工作環境 便利交通位置,捷
1M ~ 2M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
公司介紹 我們是一群擁有不同領域專長、來自全球頂尖科技和金融公司的團隊。團隊成員散佈在世界各地,包括美國矽谷、歐洲、台灣。我們致力於利用最尖端的區塊鏈及AI技術來塑造下一代的P2P
80K ~ 130K TWD / month
3 years of experience required
No management responsibility
Logo of Cake Recruitment Consulting.
獵才說明💯:成立此間公司希望著重發展區塊鏈衍伸產品,會架私鏈及 Web3.0 個人名片、Wallet 應用。市場以日本為主,再拓展到其他地區。90% B2B 自有產品+ 10% 根據客戶客製化,部分產品已上線。 您好, 如果您
1.8M ~ 2.5M TWD / year
5 years of experience required
No management responsibility

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